
Well Known Member
We didn't build our RV, bought it ready to go.

I'm currently planning a panel upgrade and am looking at locations for the adahrs, aft of the baggage compartment.

I'd like to rivet the shelf for the adahrs and my current experience riveting is popping standard pop rivets and smashing rivets building AK-47's..

Outside of a "standard" hand squeeze rivet gun, I have no real rivet tools.

What would you guys suggest I use to rivet in the shelf for the adahrs?

Feel free to read this as an excuse to buy some cleco's and a new rivet gun if need be. :)
A lot of your decision is going to be determined by how much access you have to the area and what tools you can get in there. If you can get a pneumatic rivet gun or something like a Cleveland "Main Squeeze" into the space then go for the standard rivets.

Also, and others can speak to this as I am no expert, most the ADAHRS sensors seem to end up in wings, probably for noise isolation.
If the pop rivets are magnetically attractive, I believe they?re unsuitable for use within a foot or two of an ADAHRS (Walt or Stein, please chime in). Won?t they interfere with the mag compass component? I used brass hardware within 2 feet of my ADAHRS, and standard rivets on the tray.
If the pop rivets are magnetically attractive, I believe they?re unsuitable for use within a foot or two of an ADAHRS (Walt or Stein, please chime in). Won?t they interfere with the mag compass component? I used brass hardware within 2 feet of my ADAHRS, and standard rivets on the tray.

Yes, I'd want to use non-magnetic rivets.

Unless your upgrade is to Dynon Skyview in which case you can utilize a remote magnetometer which disables the ADAHRS magnetometer and you can locate it without regard to ferrous metals.
Unless your upgrade is to Dynon Skyview in which case you can utilize a remote magnetometer which disables the ADAHRS magnetometer and you can locate it without regard to ferrous metals.

I am upgrading to a Skyview.
Aluminum pop rivets should be fine for minimal loading like that. I'd certainly use them, if convenience dictated, and I've got pretty much every option for tools & parts.
You have several RV builders in the MSL area. Ask some of them for suggestions and assistance with fabricating the brackets you need, they will most likely be happy to offer whatever expertise and/or tools you need.

But to answer your question, yes, aluminum pulled rivets (we don't call them'pop rivets' in aviation :) ) will work fine for mounting the devices.
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You have several RV builders in the MSL area. Ask some of them for suggestions and assistance with fabricating the brackets you need, they will most likely be happy to offer whatever expertise and/or tools you need.

But to answer your question, yes, aluminum pulled rivets (we don't call them'pop rivets' in aviation :) ) will work fine for mounting the devices.

Yes, yes, pulled rivets. :)

I meant to come say hey in Cullman this Satuday. Saw you pull in for a bit, but got tied up. Was going to come introduce myself.
In all RV kit documentation they are referred to using the aircraft industry standard nomenclature of "blind" rivet.

So named because for installation you never have to even see the opposite side where the shop head gets formed.