
Well Known Member
Hi guys,

For those RVers who did not build their birds, on average, how much are you paying the A&P/Original builder to perform then annual condition inspection? I am not talking about any repairs that you perform or parts you replace yourself. Rather, how much money are you giving that guy or gal to JUST to perform the condition inspection and sign off on your plane? Free? under $200? under $500? under $1000? over $1000? Thanks for the info.

I wish I knew how to make a poll :confused:

If?, you have a friend or close acquaintance that is an A&P and YOU do the work, and, there is Trust, you could get a free to 150$ signature.
Just hiring someone to do the inspection would be $300+ here in Texas.
Condition inspection

We have a A&P friend, and pay him 400+ or -
We do all the work, opening and closing and fix anything he may find as he is inspecting. He also likes to do the compression test and check mag timing.
We will already have major items done before he arrives like:
servicing wheels / tires / brakes.
oil change
prop servicing
air filter service or replacement
tailwheel servicing
gascolator service
and more things I can't remember right now as I don't have my "list".
He will also run a check for AD's on the engine. He is normally at the hangar for about 4 hours. He could do the work in about half the time but we can't help asking him questions while he inspects as it seems like a perfect opportunity to learn about our airplanes, or actually A&P stuff in general.
Basicly, we try to do our own "inspection" and servicing before he comes to do the "real" inspection. That keeps his paid time to a minimum. Since we didn't build our airplanes we find the condition inspection very educational.
I keep saying "we" because there are 2 of us in my hangar with -6's! and we help each other out!:D........the 400 + or - is for one airplane.
We would love to pay less, but he does bring some tools and he does drive to us. Hope this helps.
Good Luck!
The compression test bit...

We have a A&P friend, and pay him 400+ or -
We do all the work, opening and closing and fix anything he may find as he is inspecting. He also likes to do the compression test and check mag timing.
Good Luck!

...isn't really optional.

The inspection has to be signed off as meeting the requirements of Part 43, Appendix D.

(d)(3) Internal engine -- for cylinder compression and for metal particles or foreign matter on screens and sump drain plugs. If there is weak cylinder compression, for improper internal condition and improper internal tolerances.

The FAR can be used as a top level check list of what is mandated at a condional inspection.
...isn't really optional.
The inspection has to be signed off as meeting the requirements of Part 43, Appendix D.

Gil, My interpretation of his statement was that the A&P preferred to do the compression test and timing check himself, rather that let the owner do them.
I don't think he meant that the test was optional.
I was thinking that too...

Gil, My interpretation of his statement was that the A&P preferred to do the compression test and timing check himself, rather that let the owner do them.
I don't think he meant that the test was optional.

...but it would not be legal for him to sign it off if he didn't at least personally witness the test, would it?
Is just reading a log book entry OK?

As stated, the owner is a non-builder in this case.
...but it would not be legal for him to sign it off if he didn't at least personally witness the test, would it?
Is just reading a log book entry OK? Nope, you are correct!
As stated, the owner is a non-builder in this case.
I just thought of that about the time I hit the enter button. I agree with your interpretation. An A&P can delegate and supervise maintenance, but not an inspection. I know I would never sign off the compression test without at least witnessing it.

As far as prices go... I charge 1000 even for the annual/condition inspection. If the owner wants to help... I charge 2000 :) Actually... even though I do twice the work and it takes twice the time for the first owner assisted annual, I charge 500... I figure that the more educated the owner is.... the better off the owner is and the less phone calls I get at 2am. Usually the builder is on top of the ball and makes life easy... the new owners however.... if they did not build the aircraft do take a lot of tutoring..... and a LOT of careful supervision... I had someone clean the plugs just as instructed and then attempt to install the plugs with the sand still in them. I caught them 1 foot from the airplane and saved a LOT of heartache... That could of been real expensive. You may groan at the price, however you get what you pay for... I take pics of just about every step. I'm very thorough and we don't skip anything.
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