
Well Known Member
While testing my GTN install the other night I noticed tons of static over the radio. My SL-40 was quiet. Thought it might be an antenna problem, made up a new change. Went home frustrated. Yesterday, I fired it up and it was perfectly quiet. The difference? Fluorescent hangar lights! Apparently the RF does something to the squelch. If you are having any issues, this one is easy to fix!

While testing my GTN install the other night I noticed tons of static over the radio. My SL-40 was quiet. Thought it might be an antenna problem, made up a new change. Went home frustrated. Yesterday, I fired it up and it was perfectly quiet. The difference? Fluorescent hangar lights! Apparently the RF does something to the squelch. If you are having any issues, this one is easy to fix!


Call your dealer you purchased it from. There are known issues with the squelch circuit. There are both a hardware mod and a firmware update that impacts squelch. If you're lucky, you can get it covered under warranty. I don't have the service bulletin numbers handy.
Hello Kai,
I'll do my best to assist you, but it sounds as if you've found the issues that were causing the squelch to be breaking. Hanger fluorescent lighting commonly does this based off of the radiated RF energy from the tubes themselves. this is one of the first things we ask about when we receive a call like this.
The GTN series of comm's has a much better receiver built in, sensitivity wise it is capable of hearing a signal down in the noise much better than a SL40 is and as a result having a lower noise floor it will also open at a lower level when adjacent noise is present on the channel.
fortunately the information about hardware mods to correct squelch issues is incorrect. we've made adjustments to software and alignment procedures that have been released to correct some minor issues. but if your unit is not up to the latest software level it is still a good idea to contact your dealer to have this updated.

Please feel free to contact me with any other questions
fortunately the information about hardware mods to correct squelch issues is incorrect. we've made adjustments to software and alignment procedures that have been released to correct some minor issues. but if your unit is not up to the latest software level it is still a good idea to contact your dealer to have this updated.

Please feel free to contact me with any other questions

If that is the case, then why was I told after I sent my GTN650 in that the squelch function was inoperative (i.e. didn't work as intended) and that a combination of a hardware mod and a firmware update made the squelch function operational again?

My gtn650 came back from service with a major squelch issue and that was the explanation I was given, along with instructions to set squelch up to 70-75 to resolve the issue.

If that isn't correct, then you need to share that with the Garmin tech that provided that information.
If that is the case, then why was I told after I sent my GTN650 in that the squelch function was inoperative (i.e. didn't work as intended) and that a combination of a hardware mod and a firmware update made the squelch function operational again?

My gtn650 came back from service with a major squelch issue and that was the explanation I was given, along with instructions to set squelch up to 70-75 to resolve the issue.

If that isn't correct, then you need to share that with the Garmin tech that provided that information.

Hello Bob,
my apologies I don't have enough information on your unit to be able to give accurate data, if you can supply the serial number I'll be happy to look into it. however my assumption is if the unit was sent in for service the comm. board may have been replaced which would explain the hardware remark, there was also a mod 2 to GTN units which did address an isolation issue between the comm and NAV systems for airframes that may have limited antenna spacing which could cause a squelch breaking issue or NAV flag when keying up a comm. it's very possible your unit had this mod incorporated as well.
So as you can see there are many different possibilities for these comments. my apologies if this caused confusion.

Let me know if there are any other questions,