
Well Known Member
I?m thinking of buying a noise canceling headset to replace my trusty Peltor. I had a chance to use the new Boise ANR when getting checked out with Mike in Oregon. My experience is that they work too good as every time I made a change in my power setting while using my hearing I was so far off that it was embarrassing.

But I know I need to upgrade to protect what hearing I have left and the cockpit of my RV4 is noisy so my question is.

Are any of these new ANR Headsets adjustable to what it they are canceling?

The other option is to turn off the noise canceling portion when I?m getting ready to join the circuit.


You dont want to be turning of the ANR on these or the Lightspeed Zulu's, the passive noise protection is horrendous.
In answer to you first question, no you cant adjust the ANR attenuation level on the various headsets.

I am working with a company currently that is looking at mapping noise levels in various aircraft to allow a customised ANR solution (as well as a generic setting with mic sampling as currently used) for a new design in headset but at this stage it is a wee way off.
I suspect you will get used to the new headset and be able to make power adjustments by sound pretty quickly.
When I switched from DC passives to Bose X's, it only took about a half-dozen trips around the pattern to get completely used to the different sounds (and it does change quite a bit). It won't take you long at all to adjust.
Bose X's ANR

Hi Guys

I just came back from Oshkosh where I had my Bose X checked at the Bose tent by one of theirs Technicians because the ANR was cutting OFF and ON at times like when the batteries are getting weak and he couldn't find nothing wrong with it.

He told me that the ANR was most likely being overloaded in my RV-4 and that I would be better OFF with the new A-20(Good saleman )

They provided me with a RMA to return my -X to them so they could install a stronger headband spring to get more clapping force and also replaced the cushions for free..

That said, any one of you guys ever had the same kind of problem and if so are you better off with the new A-20 if you made the move...?


[email protected]
They provided me with a RMA to return my -X to them so they could install a stronger headband spring to get more clapping force and also replaced the cushions for free..

[email protected]

I wonder if they could do the opposite ie to install the spring with less clamping force? After 4-6 hours of flight time I hate my Bose. Sorry for thread drift.
One of the best things about Bose (or any ANR) is that after a long day of flying, you won't feel nearly as worn out. When I was instructing 8 hours a day, I noticed the very first day I made the switch that I felt great at the end of the day. Couple that with their outstanding support.
The quality of noise reduction is much better using my GT Halo's that when using my Zulu's. And the comfort level?,,,,,you forget you have anything on your head.
Hi Guys

That said, any one of you guys ever had the same kind of problem and if so are you better off with the new A-20 if you made the move...?


[email protected]

Hi Bruno,

I have one of each & will tell you the A-20 is "better"; but I'm pleased with the -X. I've never considred the -X to have a problem for me. I see where Oregon Aero does an upgrade on the -X, with different ear pads, modifying the head band, etc. I plan on calling them tomorrow to discuss it. I went flying for an hour this morning using the -X and am still grinning.

Iiiiiiieeeeeeiiiii don't think I'd want the band to clamp any tighter IMO. I ordered several pair of ear pads from Bose and replace them on a yearly basis. They are relatively cheap, compared to the overall price, and, I think, keep the performance of the headset up to standards. Man.... I'm thinking you won't like the tighter clamp. Hope I'm wrong. Why don't you check out Oregon Aero's website.

The A-20 I consider to be a wonderful piece of equipment

Sorry Tim!!

Hi Tim,

Sorry I got off mark there w/Bruno. I agree with the other comments about you getting used to it. I'm a stickler about listening to my engine and don't listen to any music for that reason.

You can turn the anr function on & off at your whim. Suggest you start with it off then turn on afterwards. I believe you will gain confidence in it and not be concerned. I certainly feel comfortable about being able to pick up the slightest abnormlity with the Bose units.

Best regards,
The quality of noise reduction is much better using my GT Halo's that when using my Zulu's. And the comfort level?,,,,,you forget you have anything on your head.

I've heard that comment before from some of my trusted amigos who had Bose headsets for themselves and their wives. They switched...headsets that is :p. I certainly respect their opinion and am giving it some consideration. However, I already have the Bose and will keep them going.

If I were starting out fresh looking for something new, I sure would consider the Halo's as a first effort.

ANR Option

to chime in with my 2 cents worth, I do a lot of acro and use Clarity Aloft for its weight. My plane is loud inside to say the least and yet the CA approach of foam ear inserts works perfectly. This may be usefull in your application. Perhaps you could find someone local that would let you give them a try. The ear pieces are inexpensive and easily replaced so there is no issue of sticking someone else's ear pieces in your ears (I keep a running supply for passengers :) )
Hi Guys

I just came back from Oshkosh where I had my Bose X checked at the Bose tent by one of theirs Technicians because the ANR was cutting OFF and ON at times like when the batteries are getting weak and he couldn't find nothing wrong with it.

He told me that the ANR was most likely being overloaded in my RV-4 and that I would be better OFF with the new A-20(Good saleman )


[email protected]

Hey Bruno, I can get my X noise cancellation to go on and off just by moving my iPhone around by the on/off module. If I leave my phone in a pocket near the controller and don't put the phone in airplane mode I usually get a LOUD reminder thru my headset.

Same results with my wife's headset so it's not just a quirk of my headset.
I found that with age related hearing deterioration (the typical loss of middle high frequencies) I was starting to increasingly ask ATC for a repeat of transmissions. I was seriously contemplating giving up IFR but I thought I'd first try spending some money to upgrade my headset.

My first change was to instal an ANR upgrade from Headsets Inc into my David Clarke passive headset. That was a major improvement in overall noise attenuation but strangely enough it did not really improve comprehension of transmissions. In fact it may have made it worse.

I then lashed out and bought a Bose ANR headset. It was much better but I was still struggling a bit with them. I also found that the passive noise reduction of the Bose was so poor that if my battery went flat in flight they were just terrible.

I then decided to move outside the box and try the Lightspeed Mach 1 in-ear headset (passive reduction). I went the whole hog and opted for Sensaphonic moulded ear plugs. They were great when they worked...but I just could not maintain a proper continuous ear seal with them. I note that Lightspeed discontinued them in 2011.

Finally I opted for a Lightspeed Zulu headset and they have proven to be the best choice (for me) so far and have enabled me to continue flying IFR for the time being.

Anyway, that was my (expensive) headset journey (so far). :)
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My .02 on Zulu and Halo

I have both a Zulu and Halo. While I find both to be good as far as noise reduction, I've gotten more complaints from ATC about my transmissions on the Halo. On one flight I switched mid-flight and the controller said "that is MUCH better!" Now I only use the Halo when flying someone other than my wife so they don't have to put something in their ears. She likes the Halos.

As mentioned before, for the ANR, carry extra batteries. The one time my Zulu batteries died, I didn't have spares or the Halo with me, and I could barely hear ATC and was therefore not able to use flight following.

Bluetooth on the Zulu is pretty sweet for listening to music in cruise, especially in a sector without much traffic/ATC transmissions. I can still hear subtle changes in engine sound even with music, but I don't crank it up either.
I also found that the passive noise reduction of the Bose was so poor that if my battery went flat in flight they were just terrible.

This, in a nutshell, is my biggest complaint on the current generation of ANR headsets. They are designing them small and light for great comfort but if the ANR goes off for whatever reason you may as well not be wearing anything.
to chime in with my 2 cents worth, I do a lot of acro and use Clarity Aloft for its weight. My plane is loud inside to say the least and yet the CA approach of foam ear inserts works perfectly. This may be usefull in your application. Perhaps you could find someone local that would let you give them a try. The ear pieces are inexpensive and easily replaced so there is no issue of sticking someone else's ear pieces in your ears (I keep a running supply for passengers :) )

Recently purchased a Clarity Aloft - have the latest Bose ANR. Uncle Sam sent me on another surprise vacation before I could try out the Clarity Aloft, but I have been flying for over a decade with the exact same earpieces in military helos. Granted, we wear a flight helmet over the earpieces, so it is REALLY quiet, but for hearing and understanding radio transmissions (and definitely for comfort) your can't beat the in-ear foam set-up
This, in a nutshell, is my biggest complaint on the current generation of ANR headsets. They are designing them small and light for great comfort but if the ANR goes off for whatever reason you may as well not be wearing anything.

This is exactly why I use my LightSpeed XC headsets instead of my Zulu's.

RV6A O320