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I'm New Here
I have a problem with my SL40. It receives OK, the transmit light comes on as it should, I have tried it in pilot and passenger position, my headsets are Bose and I have two and tried both, I have sent the set to a radio shop and it all tested OK but still no transmit. It must be in the wiring or the push to talk. I need help to know where and how to test for faults. The nearest radio shop is too far to consider and I am restricted to fly there as I am still testing. Early on I was getting a radio check of fives. Total airframe time 6hrs. No radio no flying.
Roger Russell Sydney Australia.

OK, first check to see that you have voice on the intercom. That will confirm the circuit from the mics to the audio panel or radio. If you have voice not he intercom, then you probably have a broken lead from the intercom radio output to the radio. Do make certain you have the mic and phone jacks pushed into the jacks completely. It's highly unlikely that it is not working from both positions.

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