
Well Known Member
If you want to fly without the wheel pants on an RV-8, doesn't the lower end of the gear leg fairing flop around in the breeze?
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I don't think so. mine fit pretty tight without either the pants or upper fairings installed but admit i did not fly this way.
Mine don't flop around. There's not much room for movement, but they may move aft slightly in flight from air loads. I lose about 8 knots TAS, but no worries about wheel pant snow/ice contamination.
Mine were just fine...I'm at 31 hours, and just installed the pants. The gear leg fairings never moved, HOWEVER, I did have one of the tabs on the upper end break off. I 'glassed in a piece of AL to keep that from happening again...

...and because I use the 'Today's Posts' link to review threads, I just noted that this is an RV-8/8A thread, and your fairings probably don't attach like mine...oops. :eek: