
Well Known Member
But something better!
Leaving on Saturday morning for a trip out west with my 17 year old daughter Haley, in my RV8. My friend Larry Wolf and his daughter Kayley are flying in their RV8 also. Planned stops are: A flyby of Mt Rushmore, then a layover in Douglas, Wyoming, then on to Jackson Hole for a couple of days, then on to West Yellowsone... for a couple of days, then Hood River, Oregon, then on to the San Juan Islands near Seattle. Haven't planned the trip home yet. Comments and suggestions will be appreciated.
Be careful landing in Hood River in the afternoon. The wind there can be extreme. AM is much calmer.
My preference...

based on personal experience is West Yellowstone over Jackson. One can rent a car in W. Yellowstone and cover both parks easily.

I also recommend the Buffalo Tour. They use front section vans with less seating capacity than tour buses. Loading and unloading at stops is much quicker.

I'm skipping OSH and doing about the same just on the other coast. Pittsburgh, Martha's Vineyard, Boston, Portland, Bar Harbor and Richmond.

Maybe one day I will make it out west to see those sites by little airplane. I may have to build an RV-8 for that trip though. :)

Have fun.
Trip Out West

On the way to Mt Rushmore, fly over the Badlands. After, fly over to Devil's Tower. Yellowstone is time well spent. After Hood River, fly through the Columbia Gorge, then you could go south and circle Crater Lake, then over to McMinnville, OR (MMV), site of the Spruce Goose Museum, just across the street from the airport. You could even stop for a visit at Aurura, OR (UAO)and Van's Aircraft. While in the San Juan Islands land at Friday Harbor (FHR) and walk into town (great calamare on the dockside restaurant) and Roche Harbor (WA09) and walk into historic town, and Orcas Island (ORS). On the way home stop at Kalispell (GPI) and visit Glacier Park.

Have a good trip

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There's all kinds of volcanic sites to see on the ground around Sunriver (S21), lava tubes to explore, etc. if you're into that kind of stuff:)

Sounds like an awesome trip!! We vacationed in Grand Teton National Park last summer, and its a beautiful place. Its on the way from Jackson Hole to the south entrance to Yellowstone, and is where the Tetons overlook Jackson Lake. Fairly close to Jackson airport, and some of the most majestic moutains and purtiest sunsets ever!

The rest of the trip sounds just as great. If you end up on San Juan Island (Friday Harbor), I once rented mopeds there and went all over the island, visiting the sites and stopping to pick and eat fresh blackberries...they were everywhere. Not sure if they are in season now, but if the weather is good, the San Juans are also on the "purtiest places in the world" list.

If you are coming south at all on the way back and want to visit yet another on that list, c'mon by Tahoe, and gimme a holler on the way in!

Have a great trip, and a most excellent adventure!!


PS: Can you do a PIREP on Douglas County, WY after you RON there? That's a planned stop on the way back from the Great Canadian Air Rally in August, and if you have hotel recs, I'm all ears! THX!
If you need a place to stay... Seattle

Note: there has been marine fog every morning burning off around noon this last week. This is norm for this time of year up in the San Juans and Seattle.

If you want a place to stay I have an apartment and place to keep an RV here near Seattle. Airport Ident S36 Crest Airpark. Sea-Tech airport is probably not good for an RV anyway.:eek:

I will also be missing Oshkosh as my son has decided to get married during that time. What was he thinking! I taught him every thing I know had he is still clueless (on several counts). I am having my daughter's boyfriend sign a pre-dating agreement that if they ever decide to get married it will not be during KOSH weekend. I can't risk this happening again. :rolleyes:

I can give you some notes on Friday Harbor but others just say... JUST GO! They are right.

Sounds like an awesome trip!! We vacationed in Grand Teton National Park last summer, and its a beautiful place. Its on the way from Jackson Hole to the south entrance to Yellowstone, and is where the Tetons overlook Jackson Lake. Fairly close to Jackson airport, and some of the most majestic moutains and purtiest sunsets ever!

The rest of the trip sounds just as great. If you end up on San Juan Island (Friday Harbor), I once rented mopeds there and went all over the island, visiting the sites and stopping to pick and eat fresh blackberries...they were everywhere. Not sure if they are in season now, but if the weather is good, the San Juans are also on the "purtiest places in the world" list.

If you are coming south at all on the way back and want to visit yet another on that list, c'mon by Tahoe, and gimme a holler on the way in!

Have a great trip, and a most excellent adventure!!


PS: Can you do a PIREP on Douglas County, WY after you RON there? That's a planned stop on the way back from the Great Canadian Air Rally in August, and if you have hotel recs, I'm all ears! THX!

We're staying at Hotel Labonte in Douglas, Wy. We picked Douglas for the proximity of airport and hotels(could walk if there's no taxi). LaBonte is an old hotel in downtown that looked more interesting than Holiday Inn Express.
Owner said he'd pick us up at airport.
I'll post a review afterwards.
Thanks for the invite, we'll see!
Best regards,
On the way to Mt Rushmore, fly over the Badlands. After, fly over to Devil's Tower. Yellowstone is time well spent. After Hood River, fly through the Columbia Gorge, then you could go south and circle Crater Lake, then over to McMinnville, OR (MMV), site of the Spruce Goose Museum, just across the street from the airport. You could even stop for a visit at Aurura, OR (UAO)and Van's Aircraft. While in the San Juan Islands land at Friday Harbor (FHR) and walk into town (great calamare on the dockside restaurant) and Roche Harbor (WA09) and walk into historic town, and Orcas Island (ORS). On the way home stop at Kalispell (GPI) and visit Glacier Park.

Have a good trip

Thanks Stu,
I've been to both Van's and the Museum, but the museum is so truly spectacular that the "girls" might even be impressed. I'll keep that in mind!
Thanks for the suggestions and I hope to see you at a "clinic" again soon!
Best regards,

My wife and I lived in Portland for a few years. I've listed a few of my favorites below:

If your near Portland on the first Saturday of the month then 7S3 is a great little airport with the EAA 105 pancake breakfast. Guaranteed to be 50+ RV's there.

Oregon/Washington Coast - I never get tired of flying on that coastline. Incredible scenery. Pacific City is a good place to stop for food or overnight. There's a great little brewery about a mile walk up the beach from the airport. Incredible place to watch the sunset behind the rock formations in the ocean.

Airplane Camping - lots of great places all through the NW. It doesn't sound like this is your intention, but if it is let me know and I'll give you my favorites.

Mt. St. Helens - Great flyby on the way up to the San Juans.

Hood River - great little town and THE site for wind sports. The Colombia Gorge funnels the wind through there and there's almost always good conditions. Take a kiteboarding or windsurfing lesson or just rent one if your already experienced.

San Juans - Others have already described the islands. Definitely a must stop location. Visit all the islands. They all have their unique personality.

Camp spots.. Would like ideas in the NW

gvouga -
Could you post some if your ideas on camping up and down the Oregon coast. My wife and I would like to take a couple of days at the end of this week - early next and try this camping out. We may even head out a bit further to W Yellow stone so other ideas are welcome also. What are some good RV-7A camp sites that stand out in your mind. Johnson Creek I know How about the coast? The direction will depend on weather. I am not IFR yet.

Thanks.... Toad
Oregon stops

Hood River is a great stop. I'm sure you have that mapped out already.

Another spot is Gold Beach.

Bob Axsom
An update on our great western adventure.
We embarked on our trip on Sat. morning, just as the thunderstorms were inundating Oshkosh. It looks like we picked the right year to go opposite direction from everyone else in the country.
Our initial route direct to Mt. Rushmore was blocked by that long line of weather, so we deviated with XM help to MCI and then northwest to Mt. Rushmore and on into Douglas, Wy. 8.1 hrs of flying the first day, with stops in Moberly, Mo. and Ainsworth, Ne. A pirep on the Hotel Labonte in Douglas is......cheap, quaint, the walleye was good in the restaurant, many "roughnecks" also staying at the hotel! Stay there at your own peril!
The Sunday flight from Douglas to Jackson Hole involved a detour from a direct route to a southerly route around the beginning(I think) of the Teton's and then a right turn along the valley leading into Jackson Hole.
That was probably one of the more spectacular flights I've ever made!
It sure is nice to make a trip like this with mutual support.

Larry and Kayley Wolf , Haley and Jon Thocker

Larry and Kayley near the Teton's
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More Pics Please

I never get tired of looking at RVs flying next to mountains. Enjoy your trip!!!

BTW the mountains behind Larry's plane are the Wind River Mtns.
On the way to Yellowstone, with the correct Mountain Range, Grand Teton in the background, Jon and Haley Thocker in 6JT!

The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone

More to come........
Great pictures.... send more. KOSH was a washout for me, went to Lansing instead. Charlevoix Saturday. Hope your daughters are having a great time. What a perfect way to see our country.
The adventure continues...........

Jon and Haley over the Cascades?

Jon and Haley in the San Juan Islands

Jon and Haley at Friday Harbor San Juan Islands

The Snake River after leaving Lewiston, Idaho

Larry and Kayley Cruising into Friday Harbor

Larry at Anacortes, Washington in the San Juan's

more to come........
Update on the "Western Adventure"

Due to crappy internet coverage for the last few days, I submit some pics of what became "The Great Coast to Coast RV8 Adventure"!
When we left off with our intrepid foursome, we had just arrived in the San Juan Islands! After landing at Friday Harbor, and walking into town to have ice cream, we then returned to the airport and flew to Anacortes, Wa a few miles away. A friend graciously left me the keys to his airport car and house!
Next morning we boarded the "Mystic Sea" to go "Whale Watching".

We were successful!

After returning from the "whale watch" we headed to the airport to leave for Portland. We needed to leave ASAP to beat the afternoon and early AM fog.
Delta Airlines Captain Larry Wolf skillfully led us around the tricky airspace getting out of Anacortes, then past Mt. Ranier, and Mt. St. Helens and on into Aurora State airport in Oregon!

Arrival in Portland at UAO(Aurora State), we sadly leave Kayley behind here, as she is working at a special basketball camp for kids with Diabetes.

more to come........
"Coast to Coast" update

I decided to split the update as I was horrified that I almost lost my previous long update to "Internet Explorer has stopped working" message.

After being met at the airport in Aurora by good friend and former RV "guru" Dave Lewis Jr., we were off to the hotel and a nice dinner with and old friend in Lake Oswego.

The next morning we had a leisurely start on our return trip home waiting for an overcast to lift.

We said good by to Kayley and Dave and headed up the Columbia River Gorge to the clearer skies at Hood River.

Finally, able to climb to some welcome tailwinds we made serious tracks for Fargo, ND with a fuel stop in Lewistown, Mt.

It was a long day of flying, some of us got some sleep!

We tied down at West Fargo Airport after 1100 mile and 6.1 hrs. block to block!

More to come.....
Update on the "Western Adventure" 2

An early start Sunday morning saw us leaving Fargo for a stopover at Larry's brother Mitch's beautiful lafefront log cabin on an unspellable lake near Eagle River in northern Wisconsin.

The fun part of this leg besides the 25 knot tailwind, was a surprise call up on our "Rat Trap" frequency, by fellow RV8 owner and Cincy River Rat, Captain Greg "Greese" Reese. He was flying a Delta 757 from Seattle to JFK!
We were able to talk for over an hour while he very gradually overtook us!

We cruised into KARV while flying over the gazillion lakes of Northern Wisconsin.

After a nice stay at Mitch Wolf's cabin where we fished, biked, and kayaked, we got up in the morning to find rain showers blocking our planned stop at Mackinaw Island. Instead we headed to Grand Ledge, Mi., the airport down the street from my mother and sister, and also the place I learned to fly. We crossed Lake Michigan at 11,500 ft, while position reporting on the special frequency set aside for those brave souls.

We landed at Grand Ledge, fueled up, and had lunch with my mom and sister.
It was at this point that Haley and I informed my mom that she would have to "pray" for us for a few more legs rather than the original plan to go home from Grand Ledge. On the leg from Fargo to Eagle River, I asked Haley if she could stand flying a bit further and make it a "coast to coast and back adventure". She thought that it was a great idea! So instead of splitting up with Larry at this point, we took off together and headed across Michigan, Ontario, and Lake Erie and on into Lake Chautauqua, New York., where Larry and his wife have a summer condo.
Larry's wife Mara picked us up at a really cool private airstrip, where we tied down for the night.

We watched the sunset over the lake, had a nice home cooked dinner thanks to Mara, and went to bed.
The next morning we headed out for the east coast, our destination decided by which friend answered the phone. Fellow RV4 builder Rusty Gossard was not at home in Bar Harbor, Me., but fellow DHL pilot and 727 Captain Pat Walsh was! He lives on Cape Cod in Hyannis, Massachusets. He graciously picked us up at KHYA and toured us around his beautiful "Cape". On the flight over Haley passed the time "coloring"!

We stopped at the beach near Hyannisport, and got our feet wet in the Atlantic!

We had a "lobster roll" at a beachside stand for lunch, then dinner at "The Black Cat" restaurant, with Pat and his wife Jackie.

Pat picked us up the next morning and took us to airport to embark on our final 2 legs.

Pat and Jon at Hyannis.

We left Pat, and his beloved "Cape" behind and bucked 25 knot headwinds home, stopping in Bedford County, Pa. for gas.

more to come......
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final update

We arrived home at HAO on 8-4-2010

after traveling 5405.9 nautical miles, in 35.4 block hours, spanning 12 days and the entire breadth of our beautiful country. We burned 293.6 gals of Avgas while achieving 18.4 NM/gal. Our normal cruise speed of 169 knots TAS, was attained with Larry and his 8.5 to 1 piston Lyc. 180 running full throttle and me in my 9 to 1 Titan able to run about .5 inches less manifold pressure. We ran at peak EGT or slightly LOP between 52 to 60 % pwr.
I thus averaged 8.3 gallons per hour and burned only 3 quarts of oil for the trip!

This was the trip of a lifetime, made with my beautiful 17 year old daughter, and a very good friend and his 20 year old daughter. Haley and Kayley met at the airport and quickly became friends on the trip.

Larry and I, I believe already know that this was something special, our daughters as they grow older will also look back at this, as an amazing trip.
Larry will complete his coast to coast and back trip with his son Zach(a Coast Guard officer), when he joins his dad in Lake Chautauqua on Friday. They will fly to South Carolina and then back to Cincinnati.

I hope this chronology of our trip is enjoyable and inspiring to everyone out there pounding rivets! Keep it up!

And Dad's, don't forget your daughters!!!!!!:D
Great Trip/Story


This trip makes me wish my RV was already done so my daughter and I could do something special like what you two did as well. My daughter did go to Osh with me this year for the fourth time. In two weeks she starts college.

Just south of you outside of Lou E Vil off I-71.

that was a fantastic recap. i read it and i felt like i was there. wait, i was there!

thanks for all the effort to post the trip.


Jon, What a great trip! I got a chance to read thru the tread in it's entirety tonight. I really enjoyed it and hope that I can do the same some day!

Dave Cicciari

I'm blown away! What a cool thing to do and even cooler to share it with us on VAF! I have 3 kids (son is 15 and two daughters are 10 and 6) and I can't wait to finish my -8 so I can do something similar some day.

I'm sure you guys will never forget that trip.
Wow! And for so many different reasons. Happy as all get out you guys and your daughters are close enough to make that amazing trip! How did they survive hours in the plane without being able to constantly text... I'm in awe...
Sweet Trip

What a fun trip with your daughter. I am really looking forward to trips like that with my daughter as she gets older. You both won't forget that one.
Thanks for the great pictures.
Nice Trip John

Glad you all had a great time. Incrediable memories and lots of fun to boot. Life is good.....