
Well Known Member
Tried the autopilot for the first time today. Everything seemed to work okay, except that the roll-axis mode options only included HDG and TRK. No NAV mode option, so I couldn't get the AP to follow the GPS.

Is there a configuration setting that I need to set up to get the NAV mode to show up? Couldn't find any info in the Dynon manuals or this forum.

Any advice much appreciated.
Nav Mode

Hesitate to mention this - it is so simple, but remember having the same question when I first tried version 6.

The answer for me was that Nav mode needs a flight plan to follow. Nav mode appeared when I put a flight plan into the map. As simple as "direct to" and anything else worked.
I did have a "Direct to" flightplan in place at the time, but I'll play around with flightplans and see if that helps.

I'm still running version 5, BTW...
Try this!


You should have a picture similar to the left one.;)
Must have GPS 0 source selected

Jetguy has it, must have the GPS 0 source selected.

I had the same problem when I first started using my Skyview.
Jetguy and Skunkworks have it - when you select GPS 0, you will get the NAV button and you can hit it and the A/P will then navigate the Direct-To Course Line.

BUT - remember - if you have Skyview, when you upgrade the Firmware to Ver 6.0, the Autopilot will be completely revamped, into a VFR mode and an IFR mode, and there will be no more HDG, TRK, or NAV buttons.

Bob Bogash
Jetguy and Skunkworks have it - when you select GPS 0, you will get the NAV button and you can hit it and the A/P will then navigate the Direct-To Course Line.

BUT - remember - if you have Skyview, when you upgrade the Firmware to Ver 6.0, the Autopilot will be completely revamped, into a VFR mode and an IFR mode, and there will be no more HDG, TRK, or NAV buttons.

Bob Bogash
Or GPS 0^ - now it says Skyview - that should clear up a lot of this kind of confusion.
BUT - remember - if you have Skyview, when you upgrade the Firmware to Ver 6.0, the Autopilot will be completely revamped, into a VFR mode and an IFR mode, and there will be no more HDG, TRK, or NAV buttons.

Ver 6, From Dynon web site, VFR pilots can cruise in comfort ? without a steep learning curve ? thanks to a new alternative set of simplified autopilot controls built into SkyView. This new feature streamlines the autopilot modes to those pilots use most: HSI+ALT for following navigation sources such as GPS flight plans, and TRK+ALT for flying in the direction and at the altitude you choose. Each of these modes activates with a single button press.

Simplified/Expert autopilot control selection is accomplished via a setup menu option so pilots can try both and see which works best for their flying style.
Dynon has also added a new LEVEL button that can be activated from the either SkyView?s menu or an external button. When pressed, the autopilot will immediately return the aircraft to straight and level flight. Pilots can also set a ?minimums? alert to enhance situational awareness when flying an approach.

So for VFR Pilots after your setup, when you select the AP soft key button from the base menu, you will be able to select TRK+ALT or HSI+ALT.
TRK+ALT when selected will sync the heading blue bug on the compass rose to your current heading and capture your current Altitude. Now you can steer the plane with the heading bug using the left knob in heading mode.
HSI+ALT when selected will capture the current NAV course in the GPS and the current Altitude.:D
Could be me, but I don't understand the terminology on this. TRK to me says track, not heading. And (I think) what it does in TRK is to follow the heading bug. Small thing, but it's needlessly confusing to me.
Could be me, but I don't understand the terminology on this. TRK to me says track, not heading. And (I think) what it does in TRK is to follow the heading bug. Small thing, but it's needlessly confusing to me.

I think why they used TRK instead of HDG would be a question for the Dynon design engineer.:rolleyes:
But you are correct when in the TRK-ALT mode the roll or heading of the plane
is controlled by the left knob which when in the HDG mode moves the
blue heading bug on the compass rose at the bottom of the PFD.:cool: