When I first built my -6, I made almost this exact tool. I made the prototype out of cardboard and covered it with duct tape to see how it would work. Thirteen years later I'm still using the prototype. Got to get around to making one out of aluminum. You have inspired me. THANKS! I will do it next week! (This week is booked up with inspections and fly-ins.)
Another way...

I generally drain my oil on a Friday night. Then I loosen up the prop and go home. Next morning, the filter is pretty much empty and the prop is relaxed. So, I can change the oil and re-torque the prop with little fuss or mess. I also have a little cup under the filter just in case :).

I noticed a similar issue with my car. If you drain the oil and remove the filter, you get oil all over the exhaust system ( and it smells for a week after ). If you drain the oil first and then wait a while to remove the filter, you can avoid this.


I Love it!

Now someone needs to design a similar one for the right-angle-mounted oil filter....
paper or plastic.......

The question the box person at the grocery store always ask. Plastic of course. Slip the handles of the plastic grocery bag over the filter, spin the filter off and all the oil drips into the bag. No mess, no fuss. I wish this was an original idea, but Todd Ehlinger RV-6A builder/flyer from Alturas, CA showed me this trick.
Oil drain

We drill a hole thru the filter with a long 3/16" bit. Drill it at the rear upper edge and go thru the bottom as well. We place a cup on the heater box inlet or hang one from the filter with safety wire until the oil drains. By drilling thru the top, it allows air in and since most of the oil is in the outer part of the filter, it drains all of it, especially warm/hot, then there's no mess when it's removed,
Pierre's method works great. However I might suggest that you "punch" the hole rather than drill to minimize oil filter contamination. Punch a hole in the top, unscrew the filter 1/2 turn and punch again. After filter stops dripping, tape over the top hole, rotate another 1/2 turn and tape the other hole. This will take care of any small drips.