
Well Known Member
...I fired up my Yamaha R1 this morning and ran a great curvy 200 mile back-road route ending up at the airport (just one of the low-traffic circuits I have worked out over the years around here). Then I put in about 2 hours on the rear canopy skirts on my F1 Rocket project but had to quit at noon to go down to a friends hangar for lunch. I had earlier ought two "fund raiser" tickets to a barbeque for a local candidate for County Sheriff (democracy in action!). Just as I finished, the glider club grabbed me up. Their "tow-pilot-for-the-day" had had enough, so I flew their Piper Pawnee through eight tows to 3,000' over the next couple of hours. That gave me eight fresh shots at improving my tail dragger landing skills (a couple were actually...okay...). Then, I rode the dual sport KLR-650 I keep at the airport down to the grocery store for some moth balls and D-Con to "deal" with the mice that are starting to migrate inside my hangar due to the onset of winter. Rode back and got out my RV-4 that I sold to get the Rocket started but still get to fly. Took off, stayed tight, and practiced a few ?non-standard? airfield entries just to make sure I still was doing them right. Put the RV away in my friends hanager and it was time to go, so back on with my leather "stuff" and helmet and took a different route back home. Dinner was ready when I got here. Now my stomach?s full and I?m just tapping out random thoughs on my computer on the internet while listening to Sarah Evans on www.pandora.com...

Is this a great country, or what??? ;>)

Feelin' pretty darn good and hope you're the same!

R1, F1, RV4, curves in dec. I'm jealous:) It's 20f here with a foot of snow!!! I did get my drdt-2 today though. Ya ok I'm still jealous:p
Road Trip

Lee, I'm going to have to come to SC just to watch you operate!!! It is a great country!!
Get those mice or charge them rent! Dave and I finally ran the engine with the prop on Friday. Hopefully it wouldn't be long before the mice have a new Hangar mate!

Hey Lee...

You may remember I popped into your hangar a couple weeks ago while I was waiting for Ralph to return from doing a BFR. Your Saturday sounds like just another day in the good life! Enjoy!

And yes indeed... it IS a great country!
Hahahaha!! I do empathize with you guys up north during the winter months. We can't complain, it's great down here most of the time so we can ride, fly, soar, and go boating most of the year round. The governor's family even has a great fly-in oyster roast/cookout at their 3,000 foot "family" grass strip each year on New Years Day. We've been going for years and the weather has been clear skies and 60 degrees nearly every year. No complaints about that! Six or eight aircraft at our field flew down to Jeckyll Island on the Georgia coast today for lunch (you can walk to a great seafood restaurant from the airport!). They were all wearing shorts!

And hey, good point, Todd. We're working on it. We are all really excited about you and Dave's RV-10. There's going to be a lot of fun to be had around there when we all get our birds in the air. For those who don't know the story, there are three of us building airplanes at the same time who will all be hangar mates when when we're done: One RV-10 with a supercharged Corvette engine, one RV-9, and my F1. The mice have got to go!!

Come visit again any time, Ben!


R1, F1, RV4, curves in dec. I'm jealous:) It's 20f here with a foot of snow!!! I did get my drdt-2 today though. Ya ok I'm still jealous:p

I would trade places with you in a second. Its been 81 degrees here the last two days. Really feels like December. :(

To be honest, my wife and I are trying to move to Montana or Idaho. Just need to find a job. Anyone know of a mechanical engineering position in the Northwest?

Lee great story but it is bummer you didn't make it up to Deal's Gap. :D

BTW, Nora and I were down at BQK a month ago visiting friends. Which airport are you based out of?
Bill: I am in Ridgeland, SC (3J1). Congratulations again, by the way, on getting in the air with your RV!! Drop in and see us sometime!

