
Well Known Member
No, I was not shot down! - Fixed photo links

Friday after work, it was just too nice not to go flying. I was just out flying around when I noticed on my screen that my buddy David Adams was up also not far from me and near his house. I flew toward him and we spotted each other, we were pretty much over his house so we decided to do a fly by and his wife was in the yard. She ran into the house and got her camera because she knew we would most likely be coming back around. Even though this was not planned and she didn't have anytime to setup her camera, she got a few good pictures. David sent me a quick shot of a picture of me from her computer screen. It looked pretty good and I asked him if he could send me the actual picture so I could use it as my desktop picture. He said no problem and when he sent it, of course this is what he sent me, funny guy!


He did finally send me the good one, pretty good for not planning it. Thanks Lisa! Keep David off the Photoshop program, he could be dangerous.

Get out and fly!!!

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Geez, thought maybe he was looking for a tow and the HP available when at 100% has flames coming out the exhaust.
