
I go to Arlington every year and one of the highlights for me is seeing the Blackjack squadron fly over. I was bummed to learn they were not allowed because of insurance? Dang. Good things never last.

Cus on Saturday morning there were 2 flights of 3 RV's that took off and made a single formation and did a few very professional looking formation passes overhead.

Who were they then??

I saw them take off but no mention of Blackjacks. The EAA people at the center booth said no Blackjacks this year because of insurance requirements.
I did note the Blackjack's absence. Did anyone else, notice, though that the whole Arlington thing seemed to be missing planes, missing vendors and exhibits? I was there all day on Saturday and was suprised at the relative lack of RV's as well as the seemingly smaller number of vendors. Cleaveland Tools, for example, was not there this year, nor was Icom. Van's only had two of their aircraft there on Saturday. Even the RV section had a LOT of extra room most of the day. There didn't seem to be near the number there that there have been in the past. I had a couple very helpful conversations with RV builders, but really didn't have many to talk to. Maybe I'm just imagining things, but Arlington seems like it lost something the last year or so. And this was even with fantastic (if a little bit hot) weather.
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Blackjacks spotted

Unofficial sighting of the Blackjack Squadron was Saturday about noon. I watched the groups of 3 take off, I also witnessed 4 pairs launch and head North. Later after I made my umpteenth lap thru the vendors and had returned to the camp for lunch is when I heard them overhead. I prefer to spend my time outdoors, so was quick to spot a beautiful wedge of 8-9 RV's passing about 2000agl. (I don't know the term for the formation they were in or recall the exact #). Sorry no pic, I was stuffing my face. :D
Well shoot, I had to leave before lunchtime on Saturday so missed the 9 plane formation. Still, 9 planes? I have been usually spoiled with 17 or 18 around 500 agl. Plus they fly during the week. Anyway, glad they did make an appearance, if for only one day.
Too close to OSH?

Did anyone else, notice, though that the whole Arlington thing seemed to be missing planes, missing vendors and exhibits? I was there all day on Saturday and was suprised at the relative lack of RV's as well as the seemingly smaller number of vendors.

This was my first trip to Arlington so I have no real basis for comparison. One vendor told me on Friday morning that attendance was down 40 percent. His theory was that it was scheduled too close to OSH this year. I still had a blast though.