
Well Known Member
I flew yesterday from the Atlanta area to the northeast side of Charlotte and my WingX never showed any ADSb traffic. All the weather worked normally however. I had 11 towers and the W for WAAS displayed. I did get TIS traffic on my EFIS and I think ADSB also. Itdoesn't tell me which itis. I flew home this morning and had numerous targets over CLT, which were airliners on the TIS, and for a couple minutes I had oneADSB traffic indication on WingX.

I haven't flown since I put the latest WingX update on. I have a Skyradar dual receiver and Trig ES transponder.

I talked to two other people in different parts of the country and they both did not show traffic on WingX pro yesterday either. One in Pennsylvania and one in Florida. Usually, Florida is covered with traffic in WingX.

Has anybody else not been gettin traffic for the past couple days on WingX?
I caught you with my ADS-B receiver this morning as you flew westbound... so I can only confirm you're outputting good ADS-B out signal :) You definitely should have been waking up ground stations w/ that signal..
I'll rephrase the question

Has anyone with the latest version of WingX been GETTING traffic to display on WingX in the last couple days?
I caught you with my ADS-B receiver this morning as you flew westbound... so I can only confirm you're outputting good ADS-B out signal :) You definitely should have been waking up ground stations w/ that signal..


What r u using for this?

Wing-X traffic

On 5/5/13, I emailed Hilton about the problem. After no response, I called on 5/10/13 and spoke to Hilton rep who told me to close all apps and shutdown unnecessary location services. That day, I received a follow-up call, and on the next day, 5/11/13, I tested again with the same results and emailed my findings to Hilton. Hilton presumably confirmed the problem because a return email indicated that a fix would be out within 24-48 hours.

The fix is not out yet but may be hung up in the iTunes vetting process. Or, the problem may be more than just traffic because, I noticed that Wing-X was processing FIS-B products very slowly.

John Nystrom
Known problem

Well, I finally got in touch with Hilton and they know they have a problem. WHY don't they just put something on their site? Is this bad customer relations or what?

Anyway, the fix is supposedly in BUT, they say it could be anywhere from 3 to 14 days for the Apple site to post the update.

Be warned, you may or may not have ADSB traffic on your iPad with the latest version of WingX Pro 7, Ver 6.9

Also, asked them why they don't have the winds aloft available with the other ADSB information and was told that it was coming. Been told this since December. They said it was a low priority since it was not asked for much. The winds are available from the internet weather, but that's pretty much useless up in the air.
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Anyway, the fix is supposedly in BUT, they say it could be anywhere from 3 to 14 days for the Apple site to post the update.

This is off topic, but I have to take this opportunity. To everybody who asks me about whether or not GRT is coming out with an iPad app-- THIS IS WHY Greg chose Android over Apple. If we release a new version of the Android app, you can have it on your tablet as soon as we say it's ready. (So, you just have to wait for us, not us AND them...;))