
Well Known Member
The alarm went off at 3:00 AM. Dolly heard it an woke me.


The plan was to regain nighttime currency, three takeoff and landings to a full stop at night. We wanted to fly to St. Petersburg (KSPG) the next day to see the Kratt brothers show at the Mahaffee theater, a short walk from the airport. The return would be at night.

Everything went just as it should. The tires and tanks were full; all the nuts were on their bolts. I taxied from the hangar pad and clicked the mike to turn on the taxi and runway lights?clicked the mike to turn on the taxi and runway lights?clicked the mike to turn on the taxi and runway lights?clicked the mike to turn on the taxi and runway lights. No lights. I tried both tower and ground frequencies. I tried three, five and seven clicks. No lights. Frustration :(:confused::mad: and a nice photo. :cool:

Stupid me. :eek: I didn't try Unicom .:eek: Fixed that and became current in the evening while the tower was still open. :)
hate that

I have done that too...
But I have to say, if you can get out of bed at 3 AM, and think clearly.... you are ahead of alot of us!!!
It is normal for the tower freq. to turn into CTAF after the tower is shut down which is connected to PCL. (Pilot controlled lighting)
That was my expectation. Then I was told a careful reading of the airport directory says that is not the case at KBKV.
Did you really come to a full stop? The FAA hides in the bushes to check pilots are getting tail dragger night currency legitimately... :D:D:D
Did you really come to a full stop? The FAA hides in the bushes to check pilots are getting tail dragger night currency legitimately... :D:D:D

At 3 am I doubt you?ll find any feds in the bushes. -:). But our airport does tape the ctaf after 10 pm, and sends out notices of violation of the airport?s voluntary night curfew. Let?s see, what does ?voluntary mean?
Another post reminded me that there is ?tailwheel current? (wrt passengers), and ?night current?, but no ?tailwheel night current? in the fars.
At 3 am I doubt you?ll find any feds in the bushes. -:). But our airport does tape the ctaf after 10 pm, and sends out notices of violation of the airport?s voluntary night curfew. Let?s see, what does ?voluntary mean?
Another post reminded me that there is ?tailwheel current? (wrt passengers), and ?night current?, but no ?tailwheel night current? in the fars.

Full stop is required for night currency in all land gear types...
Did you really come to a full stop? The FAA hides in the bushes to check pilots are getting tail dragger night currency legitimately... :D:D:D

and tailwheel currency requires 3 take offs/landings to full stops for day AND night currency. So they hide day and night for TW folks!
I really like your paint scheme design. So many don?t respect the flowing lines of the airplane but this does and the checkerboard is subtle. I haven?t chosen my scheme yet so I am taking note. Any other pics on line from other angles? Sorry for being off topic.