
Well Known Member
With the time change, it seems more and more of my flying is at night. Every once in awhile you have to just marvel at how beautiful a night flight can be. I recently took a photographer friend of mine out to try and capture the skyline of Dallas and thought I would share with all of you. These are posted courtesy of Lynn Cromer.




Awesome night shots! Sunrise/set are great times to fly and shoot as well. Planes and cameras are a great combo!
These shots are wonderful, they make me so home sick for Dallas.
I think I can pick out the What A Burger across from the medical center, my old stomp?in grounds.
These shots are truly beautiful and should be made in to prints, as I am sure you would sell a few.
Which high school was having the football game, or was that SMU? And how bad were they beating the Cowboys, for which I am truly ashamed of this year?.
pretty lights

I just love those nite shots.

...once in a while, though, I gotta wonder if I need 2 porch lights, and 3 carriage lites on the garage. My old house had 1, and it seemed fine.

I had to look-see at how Dallas energized them purdy lites. sorry, not trying to be political, just a tiny bit environmentally curious.

In 2007, electric power generated in Texas primarily
came from coal (37.8 percent), gas (41.1 percent), and
nuclear (10.5 percent).
Texas power companies plan to increase the energy generation
from coal by 30.0 percent, gas by 7.2 percent. Only about
1.1 percent of electricity generated in Texas is expected to
come from renewable sources like wind, solar,
geothermal, and biomass under current plans.

hmmm, I guess we can't really make fun of Chinese industry being all coal-fired.
Why not buy more good Canadian Uranium? :)

oh, my, the controversy .....heck, let's just keep flying; the view is one of the best parts, right?
I flew into Dallas/Love Field a few days ago at night time and to my surprise we got pretty darn close to those beautiful downtown buildings on final approach! It was quite the site to see at night time! Nice pics
Absolutely beautiful pictures.

I took my RV8 up the other night during a new moon and flew to Huntsville. It was pitch black and very clear. I noticed stars on the horizon. I looked up and couldn't believe the view. It was nothing like trying to star gaze from the suburb where I live. The view through a bubble canopy is amazing even though it distorts a little looking up. It also reflects instrument lights.

On renewable energy in Texas, by March 2010 it had 9.4 GW of wind power generating capacity. There is an interesting article on this at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wind_power_in_Texas . 9.4 GW is roughly 9% of the total capacity in Texas - not 1.1%.
I used to work at the South Texas Project (Nuclear Power Plant) in SE Texas. The plant puts out 2600 MW of power 24/7. It has an awesome safety record, nuclear power is one of the cheapest sources of power around, yet there are so many people who are willing to continue to import foriegn oil, rather than drilling in the Gulf Coast for our own oil, or using our own coal from West Virginia, or using cheap/clean/safe nuclear power.

(Disclaimer: Working at South Texas Project paid for my entry into flying and experimental airplanes)