
Well Known Member
Nick was one of the originals. He knew Van from pre-Oshkosh. He built/restored 8 airplanes including two RV-6's and a Thorp T-18 (which is for sale at http://home.cogeco.ca/~n17hh/T18/index2.html). He taught himself aerobatics. He was an EAA technical counselor, a neighbor and friend at KDET. His encouragement helped me finish my 7A. Nick did first flight in his final airplane, a RV-6, on his 85th birthday in 2005 or thereabouts.

Nick was a veteran of WWII in the Pacific, driving small amphibs. He was an early member of EAA Chapter 13. He will be missed.
Sounds like a great guy who lived a great life. I'm sure he'll be missed by everyone who knew him.
Great Guy

When I first considered building, I called the EAA to ask if anyone in Detroit area was building an RV. They put me in touch with Nick, who had built not only multiple RVs, but also a couple Thorpes, a Vollmer, a Stitts (I think) - something like 9 aircraft, and all in a one car garage. I ended up buying Van's newest tail kit, an RV9A. Wrecked the very first two parts (the VS attach brackets), and spent about 3 hours polishing the first piece of sheet. Called Nick and headed to his house for a pep talk, which consisted of "it's just an airplane". After that, he came to my house every few months to help me work thru my "issues" lists. Never took more than 10 minutes and was always followed by a sandwich, pop, and conversation about family, my alma mater (turns out Nick spent his career working in maintenance at Wayne State), and of course, airplanes. Ten minutes of help and an hour or two of conversation.
Nick was a big reason I made it to the finish line and was a wonderful example of the spirit of the EAA.
Terry, CFI
Thanks for spreading the word

He does indeed sound like a great guy and a great ambasador for home built experimental aircraft. I appreciate reading about the indivividuals in our activity especially the special ones like Nick.

Bob Axsom

Nick Seraphinoff is honored by myself as well as many other veterans, friends, family, EAA, and builders, among many others.

He has stood up to support America with his military service.

He has supported EAA and the Van's clan for many years.

Nick Seraphinoff is an example to us all.