
Well Known Member
I'll just let this picture of Pete Howell's RV9A 789PH speak for itself:


Taken north of Minneapolis September 18, 2008. No image enhancement at all, other than resizing for this posting.
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now this is quite possibly my favorite rv picture least until its mine in the photo.:cool:;)

my new screen saver BTW i titled it "one day"
More Fun

You had to be there to believe the color. Here Alex pulls 66AP slowly by into the sunset......


We have a few more to send to Vans.........
Formation/photography skills!

Thanks for all the kind words about the picture, and yes, Pete is right, you had to be there to really appreciate the scene.

Let's see, there are photography skills and formation flying skills....

A little discussion is in order..... I took the picture in this thread starter while Pete flew about 200 feet away trying to put his shadow on my plane. My plane was on autopilot. I held the camera with one hand, while the other hand used the ptt, trying to talk Pete into up/down/fore/aft. Anyone who has done formation flying knows that holding position within a few feet is easier when close in, but most have not tried it from 200 feet away. One doesn't see the shadow until (if!) it crosses the camera plane! This picture is the sole shot I got with the sun completely shadowed by Pete's plane, so we got a little lucky with it (I'm happy to take the luck).

Anyway, we reversed positions, so that Pete was camera plane, and I was trying to nail my shadow on his plane. It is humbling to try from 200 feet away! BTW, the distance is necessary to get a larger orange glow, relative to the size of the plane in the image.

Well, Pete is a better photographer, but I'm a better (for now at least) formation guy, so his series really is good, and one of them just may end up in the calendar. So, we are holding out on posting more of them...
Thanks Pete

I remember when you and I were talking back and forth about work on our tail feathers, and now you have been flying and I am still not! Thanks for the inspiration! Fly safe.
Ahhh...the beautiful Minnesota Autumn sky - it's not just the leaves that turn color!

Great shots guys - makes me homesick.

TODR, how high you fly that CTSW? That pic makes it look like you are in the flight levels. ;):D
It kind of felt like it on top of the haze! The air was about 50F and dry at 9500, wonderful, with a smooth ride. :) The CT is not much fun on summer afternoons under the mixing layer, so we get on top of the puffies if possible. Climb rates were down to 350 fpm through 9000 at about 25F above standard.

I departed OUN right before a PA28 that was headed to Mecham, and they passed below me at 8500 about 45 minutes into the flight (yeah, I know, not RV speeds, but I was burning just shy of 5 gph ...). You could track them far into the distance easily as a black speck on top of the white haze. The photos I have of them don't really do it justice. The Piper just looks like, well, a black speck.


We popped out of the haze at 8500 over Chicago on the way home from South Bend on the 4th of July - it was very "cool", in more ways than one, to be on top of the muck.
