Very nice - thanks for sharing! I like the altitude, speed and track showing also, very clever. Beautiful area. How about the house on the ridge at the 1:00 mark??
Very nice - thanks for sharing! I like the altitude, speed and track showing also, very clever. Beautiful area. How about the house on the ridge at the 1:00 mark??

The house is in fact a group of buildings at ?Col de la Forclaz? near ANNECY : a farm, restaurants and sightseeing spot, and one of the main paragliding takeof spots in the Alps. Very popular in summer, and a small ski place in winter. Actually during this flight I saw two paragliders in the vicinity and couldn?t help thinking I was feeling warmer inside my -7 then these guys ;-)
so very nice

Stunningly beautiful. The edit is crisp, the music great. Thank you for sharing here on Van's. Small world, isn't it? Je vous remercie....