
Well Known Member
Saw on the homepage your pics of the guy on the crotch rocket in front of FLASH. I could't help but notice the model airplane hanging on the hangar wall. Looks like a Great Planes "Ugly Stick" I fly a lot of "Stick type" airplane models myself.
It just made me laugh because it seems almost mandantory that a model be hanging on the wall of everyones hangar. You see it all the time. :D Are you the model airplane flyer or is it Danny?? :confused: :)

LOL. It's Danny's R/C planes (but I flew R/C for years - handlaunch glider to helicopter). I was looking at that picture of the hangar and thinking, "this is a guy's hangar". Canoes, planes, jet skis, motorcycle, stereo, fridge...and a dentist chair.
