
Well Known Member
Cold and clear up here in Minne today! I got my chore list done and headed to the hangar to see if my plane would still fly. It was.

Gas is 4.99 at KRNH, so that was reason enough to head east, looking for interesting sights along the way.

The lakes are covered with tracks from the snomobiles racing along - they make interesting patterns....

The next lake looked very busy from a distance....

Closer inspection found a new city on the ice!

Did you see the far left side?.....They have an airport! Embrace winter.....

I loafed around a bit and enjoyed the warm sun.

Cheap at these speeds.....

Good day for Pete!
Boy, does that fishing tourney bring back COLD memories! No fish houses for my Dad - you went ice fishing on a folding stool, or not at all....

What lake as that Pete?
I figure if you live up here, ya got two choices -- you can embrace it, or you can run from it.

I'd love to try ice fishing sometimes, especially since with the *&&^#@*&^& snow/ice of the last couple of weeks, it'll be weeks before I'm able to chop enough ice around the hangar to get the RV out.

What's YOUR secret, Pete? Southerly exposure?
Ah, the 45-minutes on the bike is the part I left out of my regimen. Bought the ice cleats....still fell on my tush several times trying to push it back in a couple of weeks ago. Also messed up the shoulder trying to push it by leaning down against the snout for some extra muscle.

A couple of guys -- Brad Benson and Mike Hilger -- had to be summoned for their manly assistance.

Gotta find some ice melting solution that won't ruin aluminum.

Anyway, great job...seeing other people able to fly is all that's getting my through this.
I've been stuck in the valley, but knew the sunshine was up there. I climbed above the puffy stuff. In the smooth glory at 11500.

Dropped back down a checked out all the frozen ice fisherman before heading to the barn.
It was 60ish in the hangar yesterday. I had a hooded sweatshirt under my grotex jacket!

My father-in-law from Chicago laughed at me :confused:

Born in CA and now live in FL... My blood is calibrated for +70 degrees only!;)