
Well Known Member
Went there with cousin a while ago. Enjoyed very much. Planned to visit Cloud9 restaurant at Willamsport PA on the way.

Do you see how fat these blimps are? Our grass is greener and tastier blimps grow fast.


On the way up north.


Stopped at Willamsport for lunch. Monday Cloud9 was serving a party and general public was out of luck. We didn't have a desire to crash a party.


Went outside instead.



Crossed the railroad. I was trying to hitchhike but train didn't stop.


Siri, find lunch.


She found something a mile away.

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Then we went up again. Cousin negotiated our way to the Falls. He can talk to anybody about anything and always get it. Me? Nevah.


His plane is very fast and he was orbiting high and far. I was just turning around my tail. NY Tracon guys call me helicopter for a reason :D



Then we departed via Buffalo to small field Hamburg. From Hamburg to Lock Haven PA.


Piper Museum was closing in 10 minutes.


We snooped and left.


It was a hot day but very enjoyable. This route we will fly again.

Great post Vlad. I love the comment about the fat blimps! That cracked me up!

We have a pretty fat blimp out here at Moffett Field but I'm not sure where it grazes at.
0G0 For Buffalo Wings!

Vlad - If you are in that area again and you want to add to your "good food picture collection" (along with consuming some really good food), stop at North Buffalo Suburban Airport. From there make your way to Millersport Highway and Sheridan Drive. You will see a packed parking lot and a sign identifying the establishment as "Duff's". Great wings and easier to get to than "Anchor Bar". (Both places have great wings, by the way.)

I say all this because I was just there a couple weeks ago (flew into 0G0 but visited Niagara Falls on the ground).

Vlad - If you are in that area again and you want to add to your "good food picture collection" (along with consuming some really good food), stop at North Buffalo Suburban Airport. From there make your way to Millersport Highway and Sheridan Drive. You will see a packed parking lot and a sign identifying the establishment as "Duff's". Great wings and easier to get to than "Anchor Bar". (Both places have great wings, by the way.)

I say all this because I was just there a couple weeks ago (flew into 0G0 but visited Niagara Falls on the ground).

Thanks Jay! Looks like a great winter destination. :) Could not visit earlier.
Nice Pix!

Hey Vlad......Loved the pics of the falls. Your killing me...it will be a while till I get mine finished:(
It's nice to know that as I go back to work and rebuild my "fuel kitty" I can still read about Vlad the traveller, all the while. Thanks for posting up, great pix.
sam adams doesn't make and bottle a non alcohol variation

Right. You send it to a custom processor like me. I remove the alcohol and in just an hour or two I refill the bottle. It doesn't taste as good after processing but it is about the same color. ;)
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Note to Self

Note to Self..... Leave the "non-alcoholic, 'pensive" refreshments out of the travel photos. I sure don't want DanH re-processing mine :D

Vlad, another great adventure and another great write-up. Just what we VAF'ers needed on a day like today. THANKS
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It's nice to know that as I go back to work and rebuild my "fuel kitty" I can still read about Vlad the traveller, all the while. Thanks for posting up, great pix.

Cathy I enjoyed watching your way home from Colorado. I am planning a trip to CO AZ NV UT TX next month. Depending on wx might hop to CA for a day.

Healthy discussion gentlemen on "food picture". Notes taken thanks.

Cathy, do you know if it's possible to do a pass over 90NM (Spaceport America)? It's within a restricted zone.
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Swinging thru

As you come through AZ, look us up. As for 90NM, or any other flying through the restricted areas around Alamogordo, I have yet to be granted entry through any of them. You can overfly in an airliner at FL 370 but where's the fun in that?

If you go by Spaceport please get some pix. :)
As you come through AZ, look us up. As for 90NM, or any other flying through the restricted areas around Alamogordo, I have yet to be granted entry through any of them. You can overfly in an airliner at FL 370 but where's the fun in that?

If you go by Spaceport please get some pix. :)

A neighbor who flies that way regularly says they often will let you "cut the corner" through R-5107-K and R-5107-A.

Sure enough when I last flew South down the Almagordo highway corridor they let me go straight West to Las Cruces.

The Spaceport Restricted areas seem to be by NOTAM only, but the R-5107-B apparently is never open - that's the White Sands one and must be still glowing...:)