
Legacy Member
I was just going through some paperwork for my -9 and found one of the NGK sparkplug boxes. On the back of the box there are four small pictures. The first depicts how to gap the plug, the second shows the direction of the threads, the third shows how to tighten the plugs and the fourth image has a big red X over it. Under the X is a picture of an airplane and powered trike.

I guess the Emag Air guys have never looked at the box. Thank goodness for small favors.
I noticed that too. I'm sure NGK gets a healthy discount on their product liability premiums for putting that logo on there.

Speaking of auto plugs, how often are people swapping them out? I just swapped my original plugs after about 50 tach hours and they looked fairly crusty. Might have just been because they suffered through the early hours on the engine.

Under the X is a picture of an airplane and powered trike.

In the spirit of hijacking a thread, check the tag on the manual elevator trim cable. Not for aircraft use. Good thing I made an RV and not an aircraft.:p

Same thing is true of the latest set of throttle and mixture cables I got from Van's...they state "Not for Aircraft Use" right on the label....;)
Yes indeed, but one of those did melt and jam, didn't it?

Yup....and they are standard equipment in every Van's FWF kit.....:confused:

(In fairness, they come from Cablecraft and perusing their web site, I think they are pretty good, spec-wise....not sure what else I'd choose.)
I keep thinking of the spirited discussion here on the forum about the evils of hotrod fluid fittings (non AN/MS). Why are spark plugs and throttle cables different?
Good point, but I remember the issue being that the hotrod fittings were being shipped to customers who ordered and paid for AN/MS fittings.
Maybe, but after re-reading the thread, the issues of quality and safety were emphasized much more than value. With the exception of the carb fitting, which should be steel anyway, our fluid fittings are much less critical than our spark plugs. I'll take a $17.00 spark plug over a $3.00 one when my butt's
on the line.
More thoughts on the subject........I guess when your ignition system has a
MTBF of about 75 hrs, spark plug quality becomes a moot point!

Sorry guys, I just had to say it!