
Well Known Member
Is anyone using a Nexus 7 (2013) with a bluetooth to RS232 converter to get an autopilot to follow a flight plan? Using something like this

I have have an app to create homebrew IFR approaches that I plan to use to minimums in Hard IFR and want to provide coupled vertical and horizontal guidance to my autopilot. Certified stuff is for sissies, how hard can this be?

Just kidding - I am VFR only and would like to replace my 396 with the big bright screen of the the Nexus 7. All I really need is heading mode, but flight plan mode would be nice.

I have seen links on the web to doing this with Avare - just wondering if anyone here has it working that I could bounce ideas/questions off of.

Nexus 7

I use a Nexus 7 with Avare in my -4, but not Bluetooth connected as you are referring. I love the visibility on the Nexus, and I just have it on my knee. Very easy to navigate with. I have the 32 GB, and it stores all the maps I need.
Is anyone using a Nexus 7 (2013) with a bluetooth to RS232 converter to get an autopilot to follow a flight plan?

I put together a setup for a friend to use with his Android tablet (not a N7) and Trio Autopilot. He uses Naviator but I believe he has also used Avare in the past. Perhaps you could use some of these ideas.

My friend wanted to retain his existing GPS (an AvMap) as a backup so I built him a switchbox that allowed the AvMap or the tablet and a Bluetooth-to-serial converter to drive the autopilot. While I was at it, I built a 5V power supply into the project for ease in powering the Bluetooth converter.

Here's a picture:


Email me ([email protected]) for a legible schematic.

Once the Bluetooth devices were paired and communicating, the setup worked well and has been trouble free.

I don't know how easy it will be to use the Bluetooth adapter you linked to. My friend used a pricey little BT adapter from Grid Connect. It has the advantage of DIP switches to select baud rate, DTE/DCE, master/slave, etc. As you probably know, nothing works until everything is set right and that can be frustrating.

If it's of interest to you (or anyone), I have some Bluetooth-to-serial adapters left from another project and would part with them for $15 postpaid. You can read about it here. Again, email.

I think it depends more on whether or not your app, and not necessarily the tablet itself, can send NMEA GPS data out thru a Bluetooth-to-RS232 converter.

I've used similar units (HC-06/7)with my Android tablet for GPS, ADS-B and APRS. For your application you will also need a 3.3V supply and RS-232 level converter. Configuration is done with hyperterminal like software. They accept an AT command set, but are usually very picky when it comes to timing. You have to transmit the characters without any inter-character delays.

As was mentioned, there are more expensive all in one solutions out there.


Joe and Paige - thanks for he the info! I'm not afraid to play around with this. Ahh AT commands bring me back to my dial up days! I have read about the timing issues to get them to work.

I'm sure I will have a few questions along the way........

Thanks again!


I've used similar units (HC-06/7)with my Android tablet for GPS, ADS-B and APRS. For your application you will also need a 3.3V supply and RS-232 level converter. Configuration is done with hyperterminal like software. They accept an AT command set, but are usually very picky when it comes to timing. You have to transmit the characters without any inter-character delays.

As was mentioned, there are more expensive all in one solutions out there.

What about using one of the home-brewed Stratux units (I think people are integrating GPS with them?) and taking the NMEA out from the GPS before it's sent to the tablet?
Ahh AT commands bring me back to my dial up days! I have read about the timing issues to get them to work.
Easy peasy. Type the command line into Notepad++ or your favorite text editor, then copy/paste into the terminal window and hit return.

But PLEASE don't talk about modems, guys. I ran a dialup ISP from '94 to '98, and could probably still talk you through a Windows 3.1 Winsock setup - but only at 2:30 AM while mostly asleep. It's a memory I'd love to bury. :)
Flight Plan

We need the flight plan sentences from a unit that can do flight planning. The Stratux GPS would only tell you where you are, where you are pointed, and how fast you are going, but not where you are going to. (I think)

I will be using a Stratux with this setup - they are a great project!

What about using one of the home-brewed Stratux units (I think people are integrating GPS with them?) and taking the NMEA out from the GPS before it's sent to the tablet?


I've entertained similar thoughts about using a Nexus 7 with Avare, will be very interested in the solution you find.

The Trio Pro Pilot will fly in heading mode with a dumb GPS, this would relieve the Nexus of autopilot duties.
Is anyone using a Nexus 7 (2013) with a bluetooth to RS232 converter to get an autopilot to follow a flight plan? Using something like this

I have have an app to create homebrew IFR approaches that I plan to use to minimums in Hard IFR and want to provide coupled vertical and horizontal guidance to my autopilot. Certified stuff is for sissies, how hard can this be?

Just kidding - I am VFR only and would like to replace my 396 with the big bright screen of the the Nexus 7. All I really need is heading mode, but flight plan mode would be nice.

I have seen links on the web to doing this with Avare - just wondering if anyone here has it working that I could bounce ideas/questions off of.


Ok Pete, you've had most of 2016 to get this Nexus/autopilot/bluetooth thing figured out. What is the solution? :)

My refurb Nexus 7 is by my side....waiting for your reply so I can drive the Trio Pro Pilot with Avare down to minimums in icing conditions and charge the tablet at the same time. The solution has evaded me thus far....
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