
Well Known Member
Does anyone know what kit Van's will offer following the wing kit. Has anyone received any information when this next kit will be available?

Looking to the future!!
Kit #2 avail.

I was told this week that the emp kit will be next, and likely mid to late July. ( sounds like Osh maybe ).

John Bender
Glad it's not a race!

So far, to complete section 13 in the wing "plans" and debur 5 ribs, has taken me 14 hours including some much needed personal instruction, calls to "friendly neighborhood builders", one call to Avery Tools and three calls to Van's Aircraft for builder's assistance. Everyone has been a great help, including Jim Cone's posts and pictures and VANSAIRFORCE.NET (worth far, far, far more than $25.00 he graciously requests). Everyone has been very encouraging. :D :D

My learning curve is perpendicular to the bottom axis. :confused: It may level out out day ... but not any day soon. :confused: :confused:

Mid-July for kit #2 is fine by me. With luck, I finish kit #1 by then! :) If not, that's OK too. :)
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