G3 Expert,

You have made mention of a software update which would enable the 330ES to wake up the ground stations for traffic and weather. Any insight into when this next software update might be out? I look every week, the last update was Jan 3rd?

If you have the G3X connected properly to a 330ES enabled xponder and the settings are correct, you should be waking up the ground stations and receiving TIS-B traffic with the released firmware. What you should not have is the TIS-B uplink icon indicating you are a fully qualified client.
Is today soon enough for you? :)

Changes made from version 7.40 to 8.00:

  • Added support for GEA 24 engine interface unit.
  • Added support for GSU 25 ADAHRS unit.
  • Added support for GSA 28 autopilot/yaw damper servo.
  • Added support for GAD 29 ARINC 429 interface unit.
  • Added support for GMC 305 autopilot mode control panel.
  • Added support for flight director display and control.
  • Added support for autopilot/flight director LVL, IAS, TO, and GA modes.
  • Added support for angle of attack measurement, alerting, and display.
  • Added support for multiple ADAHRS (up to 3).
  • Added support for Rotax 912iS FADEC interface (requires GEA 24).
  • Added support for ADS-B V2 compliant transponders.
  • Added option to invert display of elevator trim gauge.
  • Added softkey in config mode to test EIS annunciator outputs.
  • Added support for electronic ignitions with 1, 2, 3, or 4 pulses per revolution.
  • Added support for using Rotax 966385 sensor for carburetor and coolant temperature.
  • Added support for monitoring an auxilary temperature using an RTD or thermistor sensor.
  • Changed VP-X page to support systems where the primary alternator is disabled.
  • General improvements to system operation.

- Matt
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The download link on the update page takes one to the 7.4 download not the 8.0...

Hi Brian,

Give it an hour or two, sometimes it takes a little while for a change to propagate to all the CDN servers.

- Matt
Off topic question, we have the Trutrak GX and the panel is being built, will I have FD input control (heading, VSI, etc) or do you need the 305?
Off topic question, we have the Trutrak GX and the panel is being built, will I have FD input control (heading, VSI, etc) or do you need the 305?


With your setup you will be able to control the flight director modes and so forth through your PFD display, just like you planned, but in order to hand-fly with the flight director on and the autopilot off you would need to add a GMC 305. The GMC 305 also gives you IAS mode, which we have found works great with the Trutrak autopilot as well as our GSA 28 servos.

- Matt
Dear Matt, I can not install the update in the sd card, a message appears

There was a problem copying files to the destination drive

Ensure that the storage device is plugged in and that none of its file are being used by another application

I have no other program open



With your setup you will be able to control the flight director modes and so forth through your PFD display, just like you planned, but in order to hand-fly with the flight director on and the autopilot off you would need to add a GMC 305. The GMC 305 also gives you IAS mode, which we have found works great with the Trutrak autopilot as well as our GSA 28 servos.

- Matt

Make sure you can open the SD card from your file explorer. If you can't, it may need to be properly formated etc. Also make sure you are selecting the correct drive that was assigned to the SD card.
Must be telepathic


Ask and you shall receive! Thanks.... Great minds think alike, I am doing a West Coast Trip this summer and really want to give the GDL-39 and G3X a work out....Love my Garmin Avionics.....Mark:)
Windows recognize the sd card and i can see it at the navigator, but the install problem persist


Make sure you can open the SD card from your file explorer. If you can't, it may need to be properly formated etc. Also make sure you are selecting the correct drive that was assigned to the SD card.

Have you tried re-booting your computer? Sometimes you have to clear out your memory and start over.
I have 2 macs with parallels i think there is the problem but i have not a pc near me :(

Hello Hernan,

Sorry this isn't working with your Mac.

If you would like to try copying the gupdate.gcd file to the \Garmin folder on an SD card, send us an email at the link below and we will send it to you. I believe I did this once before for a customer who didn't have a PC.

Update: We had your email address and sent a copy of the gupdate.gcd file. Please check your email.
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I got it, that was the problem, it doesnt work on parallels windos, but my neighbor have one pc and help me thanks all, tomorrow i will make a pirep!

QUOTE=g3xpert;773759]Hello Hernan,

Sorry this isn't working with your Mac.

If you would like to try copying the gupdate.gcd file to the \Garmin folder on an SD card, send us an email at the link below and we will send it to you. I believe I did this once before for a customer who didn't have a PC.

Update: We had your email address and sent a copy of the gupdate.gcd file. Please check your email.[/QUOTE]

Can't find the setting for inverting the trim indicator. Point me in the right direction....

If you have the G3X connected properly to a 330ES enabled xponder and the settings are correct, you should be waking up the ground stations and receiving TIS-B traffic with the released firmware. What you should not have is the TIS-B uplink icon indicating you are a fully qualified client.

Ok...I have asked this many times before...but will ask again since this is new software.

Can you "Now" ONLY have a G3X and a GTX330 and a GDL39 hard wired make the ground stations wake up to TIS-B? If I upgrade my 330 to ES???

I do NOT have any type of other GPS in my airplane, ONLY the G3X.

Ok...I have asked this many times before...but will ask again since this is new software.

Can you "Now" ONLY have a G3X and a GTX330 and a GDL39 hard wired make the ground stations wake up to TIS-B?

No, you couldn't before and you can't now.

If I upgrade my 330 to ES???

I do NOT have any type of other GPS in my airplane, ONLY the G3X.


Yes...you could before and you can now....as far as I know it's been that way for some time so if you get your Txpdr upgraded to the ES you should be good to go!

Ok...I have asked this many times before...but will ask again since this is new software.

Can you "Now" ONLY have a G3X and a GTX330 and a GDL39 hard wired make the ground stations wake up to TIS-B? If I upgrade my 330 to ES???

I do NOT have any type of other GPS in my airplane, ONLY the G3X.

Hello John, thanks for the question. As with anything related to ADS-B, the answer is more confusing than it needs to be, but if you have a G3X system with software version 8.00 and a GTX 330ES transponder that is ADS-B V2 compliant (software 7.02 or later) then you can configure the G3X transponder interface to provide GPS data to the transponder that should cause it to "wake up" the ground stations for TIS-B service, at least until 2020, and assuming the FAA doesn't change their minds about allowing aircraft with only a VFR GPS to receive the benefit of TIS-B data.

However, if my memory is correct, your airplane only has a GDU 37x MFD, not a full G3X system. If this is the case, then unfortunately you will not be able to take advantage of this addition, as the remote transponder interface is not supported unless you have a full G3X system.

- Matt
Good memory Matt!

Is the full system requirement the GSU73? Or will the new solid state device make it work?

I only have a single G3X MFD in my RV10 and I do have remote transponder control capabilities...I did upgrade to the new software yesterday, flew with no changes in waking up ground stations & I do have a 333ES transponder. I have read the new installation manual this morning and there are a few configuration changes that you have to make. I am going to make those today and test fly, will post a PIREP later today......Mark :)
Is the full system requirement the GSU73? Or will the new solid state device make it work?


If you add either the GSU 25 or GSU 73 ADAHRS to your GDU 37x MFD, with associated wiring changes, you will have a single-display G3X system with a split-screen PFD that is capable of supporting the remote transponder interface.

- Matt
Thanks Matt! That is good news! It's a great option since it seems very easy (besides the cash outlay :eek: ) to add that device in my airplane with the real estate I have left.

Also, I would get TIS-B traffic which is important and a side benefit of having a backup ADI!

I am real interested in the post above mine from RV8A- AVIATOR since in essence I would do a single setup like he has.


I configured both the G3X and the 330ES as the installation manual recommended. I flew and picked up ground stations and saw traffic like I have never seen before, so I believe it's working as advertised, my only concern is I don't get the "TIS-B uplink" happy sign :). My set up is, the 330ES is configured to the G3X single screen, with mode S TIS to the G3X, I have a 696 configured to GDL-39 for ADS-B in.


I configured both the G3X and the 330ES as the installation manual recommended. I flew and picked up ground stations and saw traffic like I have never seen before, so I believe it's working as advertised, my only concern is I don't get the "TIS-B uplink" happy sign :). My set up is, the 330ES is configured to the G3X single screen, with mode S TIS to the G3X, I have a 696 configured to GDL-39 for ADS-B in.


Hello Mark,

Will you send G3Xpert an email and clarify your installation? I am not exactly sure what you have installed.

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MAC with Parallels works for me

FWIW I run MAC OSX 10.7.5 (Lion) with Parallels 7 and Win XP SP3 and I am able to update my G3X without problems.
TIS-B uplink icon is alive


I made the changes to the 330ES set-up as you advised and tested, the TIS-B uplink icon came to life. It works great.

Thanks for the great customer service! :)
