
Legacy Member

The Recreational Aviation Foundation is planning another adventure for the blue ridge mountains.

This is the same group that planned this grand adventure.

The dates are set at March 27, 28, and 29th.

It will be a similar format to the trip I posted about in September. However, we are trying to find more fields and people in the mountains to visit.

Once again, we hope to overnight at NC08 but we are looking for other grass strips and cool places to visit on Saturday. Thus, our itinerary should change.

If any of you know of some cool places and/or people to visit (we will contact the owners to make sure we are welcome) in Western NC, Upstate SC, Eastern TN, or NE GA, please let me know, either publically or off line.

The guy who organizes these adventure flies a V tail Bonanza, so where he can go, so can we.

This will be open to as many airplanes and people that would like to join us, but I will need to pass an RSVP list to The RAF.

Because some of the fields we will be visiting are private, you may have to sign a waver before departure. (I brought mine with me, because we were late to the party.)
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The Recreational Aviation Foundation is planning another adventure for the blue ridge mountains.

This is the same group that planned this grand adventure.

The tentative plans are for the last weekend in March (27, 28, & 29th).

It will be a similar format to the trip I posted about in September. However, we are trying to find more fields and people in the mountains to visit.

Once again, we hope to overnight at NC08 but we are looking for other grass strips and cool places to visit on Saturday. Thus, our itinerary should change.

If any of you know of some cool places and/or people to visit (we will contact the owners to make sure we are welcome) in Western NC, Upstate SC, Eastern TN, or NE GA, please let me know, either publically or off line.

The guy who organizes these adventure flies a V tail Bonanza, so where he can go, so can we.

This will be open to as many airplanes and people that would like to join us, but I will need to pass an RSVP list to The RAF.

Because some of the fields we will be visiting are private, you may have to sign a waver before departure. (I brought mine with me, because we were late to the party.)

I will be gone that weekend (I work every other week), but my airstrip can be available in east Tennessee. Just look up 5TN4.
Hey Bill,
Put me on your distribution list. I'd like to hear more about it.
[email protected]
I've flown into both neighboring airports, Andrews/Murphy(KRHP) & Franklin(1A5).
Sounds interesting to me.
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I was just informed that we will change the weekend due to an unknown conflict with one of the organizers. Once we settle on a new date, I'll post it.

Dan, I will keep you on the list and Marvin, I hope you can make the new date.
Great Don & Jesse! I will contact you, along with everyone else, when we have more details!
Virginia offering

12VA is open for that sort of thing, provided Stormy and Lorri are home that weekend and the field's not too soft.

We might like to join y'all for a camping trip every now and again, too.
Thanks Stormy!

We will let you know if we can make it to your place or not.

One of the things I didn't mention was that there will be some Cubs and Champs along, so the distances involved may have to be restricted to allow them to join in.
Dates are set

We will be starting on Friday, March 27th, flying all day Saturday the 28th and camping out again that evening, and departing on Sunday the 29th, after breakfast.

We are working on getting permission to land at various airports and will post the itinerary once it is settled.
Your weekend's organizer is Eric Davis, the RAF's Georgia Liaison based out of KPDK and a really nice guy. Eric's also organized a similar, week long run out West in Montana last year, and for the same mix of a/c and pilots. You'll find he's done a really nice job of organizing...to the extent flying events can be 'organized'.

For anyone who thinks this kind of flying is fun. why not join the RAF? We don't ask you for a dime upfront; we'd rather you watch what we're doing and donate later out of appreciation rather than felt obligation. One recent example: First time ever, we accomplished having the U.S. Forest Service add aviation to their Final Planning Directive. That means every District Ranger with a pretty strip somewhere on their public land must now consider incorporating aviation access into their forest policies on public access and use. For those of you west of the Mississippi, this is a big deal. It took us years...but we got 'er done. More here: http://theraf.org/news/2015/raf-successful-usfs

RAF's FL Liaison