
Well Known Member
I have been using a 396 with XM weather for several years. While at SnF, I updated the software and databases. Since then, I have noticed that the NexRad returns will randomly begin to fail to refresh.

On a roundtrip this week, I flew around a lot of TStorms so I was checking it closly. It would usually refresh on about 5 minute intervals a couple of times after turning it on but then at some point, it would just stop updating. After 30 or 40 minutes of no weather, I would turn it off and back on and it would work fine for about two to three 5 minute cycles and then it would just stop refreshing.

Any thoughts, comments, or suggestions are welcome.

Bill S

You are not alone on this issue. Many folks have been having this issue too. I spoke with garmin at the show Friday and was told they have had many, many complaints and are very aware of the problem but said it was XM's(Sirius) fault. I next talked to xm and they too know there is a wide spread problem. There are only two xm satellites in orbit, both over the equator. Garmin and xm both pointed this out and said this is part of the problem. What confuses me is why some folks don't appear to have any issues. I've had mine since 2005 and it seems it worked fine until just the past year or so. Here's another thread on this issue:

Garmin told me, "best thing to do is just wait for ADS-B":confused:
Been there...

I battled with Garmin for weeks and was finally told my XM puck was bad. I picked up a refurb unit and all is well now.

One thing I know is....the WX will fail when you need it most.

Try to borrow a puck - see if that solves the issue. That is what finally convinced me. It seems the early 396 pucks are the most problematic.
I had the XM weather on my 396 drop out during a trip from Terre Haute IN to Wisconsin on the Sunday before Oshkosh (with thunderstorms around). I think it is an XM problem and not due to antenna malfunction; the XM page said "waiting for data". It will work for months with no problem, then suddenly decide not to work for a couple of hours. Sometimes the XM radio works while the weather does not. This has been going on since I bought it several years ago. I look forward to ADS-B.
I too had this happen after the most recent software update. I found that when I zoomed way out the radar would disappear. I had to restart the 510 3 or 4 times from NC to WI.
I think it is an XM problem and not due to antenna malfunction; the XM page said "waiting for data". It will work for months with no problem, then suddenly decide not to work for a couple of hours. Sometimes the XM radio works while the weather does not. This has been going on since I bought it several years ago. I look forward to ADS-B.

Had the same exact problem. Music worked but wx didn't. New GXM30 from Garmin fixed it.
This may not be the same problem but on my way back from OSH I had a issue with some of my METARs . Most were showing the correct time but a bunch (the most important ones) were showing 3 hrs old . I had picked up more recent data on the ground with my iPhone so I know it wasn't the station's problem. I don't know if this is relevant but they were in Canada.

This may not be the same problem but on my way back from OSH I had a issue with some of my METARs . Most were showing the correct time but a bunch (the most important ones) were showing 3 hrs old . I had picked up more recent data on the ground with my iPhone so I know it wasn't the station's problem. I don't know if this is relevant but they were in Canada.


Same problem coming home from Oshkosh with METARs not refreshing.
It would be interesting to see if the problems are isolated to the GXM30 vs. the GXM30A. I have two of the GXM30A's now and have not had any problems with either.
I have two of the GXM30A's now and have not had any problems with either.


Where do you get the 30A's without buying the whole deal? Maybe that's what I need.

Also, just to reiterate, I have always had full signal and XM audio while simultaneously NOT getting refreshed wx.
Most current update for 396 is version 5.40

There is a notice on the Garmin site about issues with the GMX30 and other WX receivers and problems receiving NexRad Weather. They say you need to be running the latest software. I had Garmin update mine at SnF earlier this year and that one was 5.30 but they have had another release since then. I just updated to the latest for the 396 and that is version 5.40.

Will just have to wait and see if it works on the next trip!

Bill S
I just updated to the latest for the 396 and that is version 5.40.

Will just have to wait and see if it works on the next trip!

Unfortunately version 5.4 didn't do squat for my situation. I'm starting to think I need a GMX30A antenna. Still trying to figure out who exactly is having problems with regard to model of gps and antenna.

Where do you get the 30A's without buying the whole deal? Maybe that's what I need.

Also, just to reiterate, I have always had full signal and XM audio while simultaneously NOT getting refreshed wx.

When you send one for repairs in you will get the A model back. Not too long ago I purchased a second 396 and it was factory refurbed, so it also came with the GXM30A.
GXM30 Issue

I could not get my -30 to work with any software. I finally ordered a refurbed 30A and have no problems. I had the same problem - perfect audio, but the WX would not update. Sometimes rebooting would work, sometimes not.

I called Garmin numerous times and got nowhere until I finally convinced one tech that I was not an idiot(I told him I built and RV and he was interested) He told me my best bet was to get a 30A antenna.

I have had no problems with the 30A antenna.

This may not be the same problem but on my way back from OSH I had a issue with some of my METARs . Most were showing the correct time but a bunch (the most important ones) were showing 3 hrs old . I had picked up more recent data on the ground with my iPhone so I know it wasn't the station's problem. I don't know if this is relevant but they were in Canada.


This has happened with our metars any number of times in the last 3 months. Spoke with an XM rep at Oshkosh who told me it was a problem with some surface observation stations which only report once every two hours. That sounded as preposterous to me as it does to you. I walked the idea to the NOAA table just for fun. They could only laugh. But seriously this needs to be addressed.
On the trip out to Osh from CA, down to TX and then home the weather lagged over an hour once going across Arizona. No METARS or any weather. Had me worried but came back on. All other times worked just fine. Very old 396 and antenna.
Seems to contradict some of these theories.......
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Ditto on a 496

I have the same problem on my 496. I had a NEXRAD dropout that lasted 30 minutes on the way back from KOSH.
Spoke with Garmin today (3rd time). They are having me send in my GMX30 to exchange for a GMX40 (for a fee). We'll see what happens.
I found used 30A on eBay for about $150.

John (or anyone else),

Before you go out and buy a used 30 or 30A, I traded my 30 for a 40 through Garmin for $99. I haven't flown enough with the 40 to know if it fixed my problem, but it seems most of the complaints have come from either 30 or 30A antennas. I was told by Garmin that the only difference between the 30 and 30A is the magnets. The 40 is somehow different electronically. I'll report back when I have more time on the new antenna to develop trend, good or bad.
Just posting for archival purposes, but I've flown enough now with the GXM 40 antenna with my 396 that I believe my refresh problem is fixed. I tried everything incluidng relocating the antenna and having the latest updates/downloads, but nothing worked and the problem remained intermittent. Bought the -40 after speaking with Garmin at Osh.