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I have recently installed ADS-B in and out. Is it required to place the aircraft back into phase one for testing of the new equipment?

Ads b

But its advisable to get a report from the faa website after you make a flight to confirm its working properly.
Even more important is that you see no red on the report. Any box filled red means you failed that section. On the 3rd page make sure all the "exceptions" report NO.

I plan to pull a report quarterly just to be sure everything is working great. I have in and out with the GDL-39 and the GDL-82 displayed on my Aera 660.
I already had ADS-B (in) via Stratus/Foreflight, but recently installed ADS-B (out). I have to say I am very disappointed that I still can't see all traffic. Unless your aircraft is a "Client" of the Ground Station(s), it won't sent you the non-ADS-B traffic that ATC is painting. I haven't figured out the secret code but today I was flying 12 NM away from a Ground Station and it wasn't sending me squat. There were several "non-equipped" aircraft in the area that didn't show on my screen. Like I said, I'm disappointed.
Not sure by what you mean a "secret code". I installed my GDL-82, programmed it per the manual and I see all traffic, equipped or not, but my airport is inside "rule airspace" also.

Care to share what ADS-B out box you have?

Has your out ever worked?
I already had ADS-B (in) via Stratus/Foreflight, but recently installed ADS-B (out). I have to say I am very disappointed that I still can't see all traffic. Unless your aircraft is a "Client" of the Ground Station(s), it won't sent you the non-ADS-B traffic that ATC is painting. I haven't figured out the secret code but today I was flying 12 NM away from a Ground Station and it wasn't sending me squat. There were several "non-equipped" aircraft in the area that didn't show on my screen. Like I said, I'm disappointed.

Most ADSB out equipment has an option to transmit that you are in equipped. If this is off, it may not wake up the ground stations. If you have the Stratus 2 or newer, you want to tell it you are equipped for in on 1090ES and UAT.
Care to share what ADS-B out box you have?
It's a Garmin GDL-82, and the FAA says it's working fine. My gripe is that the only ground station in my area won't send me TIS-B data unless I'm within 7 NM of the station.

...and for Jesse, yes, I set up the GDL-82 as ADS-B "capable" on both 978 and 1090.