
Well Known Member
I have an excuse for not getting much done around the shop this week.

The doc did make me take off the hat (only briefly ;)) I should have listened to my wife about getting the -10. Maybe she knew something I didn't...
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A whole week?

Isn't your Wife in the hospital?...perfect opportunity to get a ton of stuff done!.:)

Seriously dude...Awesome job and many congratulations to all of you!

Couldn't be more happy for you, Mike!!!!

Our daughter becomes a teenager on Tuesday, and I can put myself back in that same photograph as if it were only yesterday.

Awesome, awesome news to hear about you and your family.

Go get some sleep (joke),


Did you kick your wife out of bed so you could have her take your picture??:eek:;)
Great looking family! It's not too late to sell the 7 emp and move up to the "10". Just more time and money!
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Excellent! More kids raised thinking airplane construction should consume the garage and basement is what this world needs a LOT more of!

Give your wife and kids what they need first and it will go a LOOOONG way towards getting that plane done in the end.

Welcome to My Club

You are hereby granted admission to the "He-Man Women Makers Club". Membership is granted to those special men with two or more daughters. Remember that any guy can be a dad but it takes a "REAL MAN" to be a father to daughters. In all honesty, enjoy every single day. I just graduated my second of three daughters from college and the "baby" is off to Australia next week for five months of college study. I couldn't have asked for a better parenting experience. I believe the most important role you will play is being the prime example of what a man should be so when the day comes for them to choose a mate they will (hopefully) try to find one like their dad.

Congratulations...You are a Lucky Man!!