
Well Known Member
Please welcome the newest member of the VAF family, Tyler Christopher Painter.

9 lbs, 12 ounces, 21 inches and one tired mother! I'm so proud of you, Jaime.

nothing else in the world like it

simply the greatest creation on the planet......the best work ive seen from you yet....nice job....;)
congrats to you and mom or later to be know as mimi
My daughter is 4 1/2 weeks old and I don't think she weighs that much! I guess we will be seeing some late night posts from you! Congrats! Our children will be the high school class of 2026! It's going to be time to start thinking about a -10.
So this is how I get notified!!!

CONGRATULATIONS Jamie, Jaime and Tyler. I know that he'll be the next pax in N622JP as soon as doctors and mommy clear him.
Congratulations Jamie and Jaime. I have followed your web page from the beginning as I am just finishing up my 7A. It is really great to see nice things happen to nice people.

Steve Eberhart
RV-7A, O-360-A1A
oH Yea!

Congrats Jamie.... We are all proud of you both. If there is anything I can do to help please let me know! Well worth it! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!

......how such a little lady can have such a big boy!! I'll bet she barely makes 5', huh Jamie? My step daughter also had three 9+ pounders and she's 5' 2". Congratulations to you and Jaime, Jamie...:)
Congratulations to the new pilot?


I think this photo might be appropriate.



A little deburring and edge polishing, and he should be ready to fly in no time!;)

Thanks for the kudos, you guys. It's really overwhelming. Just when you thought life couldn't get any better than building and flying an RV.

At almost 10 pounds I think we should have him soloing before too long.

Just one minor correction to the front page billing though, he was actually born on Friday evening at 8:37PM (EST). I neglected to mention that. I was up almost 24 hours at when I posted to VAF so I was a little tired and forgot to mention details. :)
Jamie -
Congrats!!! ... and remember to keep your priorities right -> family 1st!
Everything after that is just fun (especially if they help...)

Lorin D.
9A Wings