Don Jones

Well Known Member
This year was the first year I have ever flown into the show. When Russ invited me to go in his 9A, I wasn't missing that chance. They always say to expect anything and our arrival was no different. Inbound to fisk Saturday afternoon and almost over Fisk they had a mishap on the runway closing the airport, so off to Rush lake we go for 30 hot bumpy minutes flying around in circles. It just so happened that when they opened the airport, we were #1 for Fisk. When over Fisk we heard "RV over Fisk cleared inbound for RWY 27....I need max forward speed to the airport..." Russ firewalled the throttle and just as we crossed the extended centerline of the runway I looked down to see our ground speed clicking past 170 knots... then we hear "RV on downwind start your decent" ha, who you kidding! Once we got it slowed down the approach and landing was a non-event. Had a blast!
Here is a video of the arrival.
Don, All I can say is " video Added to Favorites "

I must say thank you for that ! As I sit here in Oz, with my printed out PDF of the FISK VFR arrival to OSH Rwy 27, and the radio feed on my Pc made it almost as if I was with you at OSH.

I hope to go in 2014. :)
I was glad to hear you say put the nose down on that base to final turn. I sat out there for 2 hours watching arrivals where people were holding the nose up and the tail down. I was expecting a spin any minute....

Love the video!!! Great to meet you guys!