I'm a newbie on this forum and just wanted to say hi. I have been dreaming of building, and flying a kit plane for many years. I'm leaning toward an RV-8.

I know I can afford to purchase and build the plane, but not as sure that I can afford to own it here in So Cal and be able to keep it in a hanger etc.

I'll be browsing this forum for info and I'm looking forward to learning as much as possible before I start spending $ which is at least a few years off anyway assuming the economy doesn't continue on a downward spiral forever. I've had enough change thanks anyway!

BTW, I do not have a power rating yet, but do have a glider pilot rating from my youth when my dad owned a Blanik L-13 for a few years.

Welcome to VAF!!!!

Mike, welcome to the good ship VAF:D

Great to have you aboard.

As a cost saving measure, consider looking into splitting a hangar with someone-------preferably another RVer.

Lots of options----just keep reading.


The 8 is a good choice, kinda like an aerial Ducati;)
He owned the Blanik back in the early 80's so the only pics I have are 3x5's and maybe a few slides. Google images has a lot of nice pictures of the L-13 though.
Come on down to Ramona in San Diego county. I'm working on an RV-9A and you are welcome to visit and chat any time. I've been at the slow build for 1 year and am currently working on the fuselage. It is going way faster than I thought.

I figure if I can get my 3 kids through college, I can afford to have an airplane. :)
Thanks for the invite Bruce. I might just take you up on that in the next month or so. It would be great to meet you and see your plane.
He owned the Blanik back in the early 80's so the only pics I have are 3x5's and maybe a few slides. Google images has a lot of nice pictures of the L-13 though.

A guy I know well is a big fan of L-13. I would say he is a Blanik historian :) He thinks he has all possible pictures and places covered. I am positive he doesn't know about yours and your exotic location...
Welcome Mike

I live in Santa Ana and have an RV-9 over at KFUL. Hit me up if you want to go flying or just have some questions about building.
