
Well Known Member
Hello All,
Well as the thread title says, I'm a newbie. New to construction and new to this forum. I just purchased my Empennage kit and it is scheduled to be delivered tomorrow (4/15/10) day. I'm looking forward to the building process and if I'm successful, then I will be the one to prove that anyone can build an RV12. Keep up the good posts everyone, they are very helpful to newbies like me. Steve Garrett:)
Welcome. Speak up even with the tiniest question. Great bunch of folks here on VAF, with a wealth of info.
Welcome to the fold! You will do fine, and I say that as a newbie builder. Between this forum and Van's Support you will be able to resolve any issue that comes up. Check out my build log to see how I got started, and a few of my mistakes. ;)
Welcome to RV world. I'm sure you will enjoy the ride. You will find a wealth of information on the forum. Builders web sites will show you how to avoid mistakes and complete tasks that may not be fully explained in the plans. My site is at Forum archives will contain information about the use of recommended alternate tools that are not listed in the plans.

Many of us were newbies when we began building the -12, now we feel comfortable with the building experience. One tip that I'll pass along. Start your project at the tail and work forward. The plans are more detailed for the empennage kit, but assume you have learned the basics of building by the time you progess to the later kits.

Van's support is available during the week by e-mail of phone. Parts are also readily available. You will be using replacement parts and hardware as we all have made mistakes along the way.

Have fun,

Art Pennanen
Welcome, Steve! I've found that the folks on this forum can answer ANYTHNG. Just rembber "There are no dumb questions, but sometimes dumb amswers."
R7 EM almost finished
Welcome, Steve! I've found that the folks on this forum can answer ANYTHNG. Just rembber "There are no dumb questions, but sometimes dumb amswers."Fox
R7 EM almost finished

Now THAT is funny! :D

Welcome to VAF
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