Hello Team Vans;

I am just writing to say Hello as I am new to the Van’s Community and have recently purchased a Van’s QB RV8 kit from an owner whose life circumstances had changed in Florida.

I have had the kit transported up to a friend in Canada (Calgary) who is a Technical Engineer in the Experimental Aircraft Industry.

That might seem a bit odd for someone from Australia who wants to build their own aircraft, however at present it works for me. You see I am a long-haul Pilot from “down-under” and we have the ability to do Extended Layover Patterns (using our annual leave between operational sectors) into KDFW. That allows me a week of leave, a week of uninterrupted building with friends who can guide me if (when!) I get stuck, however well away from family distractions and home interruptions.

Don’t worry (the Boss) my lovely wife Leigh has visited the RV8’s new home (Leigh is also a recreational Pilot) and apart from the -26° (Celsius) temperature gave the “thumbs-up” approval to the building plan. Anyway we will see how it flows over the next few months.

Now I also hold an FAA Commercial in addition to my Australian ATPL so I am deciding whether to build with USA registration or Canadian. I can Hangar the RV8 at Addison airfield in Texas not too far from our crew hotel and a good friend in Dallas who is also a CFI will look after her there and bring my light-aircraft tail wheel skills back to life again – at least that’s the plan!

So why build. Well my career has taken me from GA Pilot and Flight Instructor through to Supplementary Airline into a Major International Airline. On the way I have been a Chief Flight Instructor, Chief Pilot and a Simulator Instructor for Boeing. Today I am a Qualified Secondary School Teacher (casual / part-time) with my major in Aerospace Studies which we teach in some of our Secondary Schools here in Queensland Australia. So building will now complete my love of all things aviation.

I look forward to being a good contributing member of the Vans community however and meanwhile I have a lot to learn.
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Welcome to VAF!

Hello Team Vans;

I am just writing to say Hello as I am new to the Van?s Community and have recently purchased a Van?s QB RV8 kit

to the good ship VAF.

Good to have you aboard:D
Another RV8 Builder in Aus

Welcome to the Vans world. Like your choice. Well progressed with my 8 build, just got the canopy on this week and hope to finish wings over the Xmas break. Based in Warwick QLD (YWCK).
Compliments of the season
If the aircraft is eventually going to be based in the USA, it would seem most practical to eventually N-register it (assuming you meet the criteria to legally own a US-registed aircraft). The big question is whether to have it N-registered right from the start, or whether to fly it on Canadian registration first.

If you plan to initially register it in Canada, you’ll need to comply with the Canadian requirements for inspections during the build process, and the Canadian requirements to own a Canadian registered aircraft (Canadian Aviation Regulation 202.15). Depending on the amount it has already been completed, you may require an inspection before proceeding any further. You can get more info by contacting the MD-RA, who have been delegated by Transport Canada to do the inspections. You would probably have to finish the flight test phase in Canada (typically 25 hours) before importing the aircraft to the USA.

If you plan to build the aircraft in Canada, but have it N-registered right from the start, you'll have to find a US DAR who will agree to come to Canada to do the final inspection. You'll also have to comply with the US requirements to own and operate a US-registered aircraft outside the USA - simple if you are a US-citizen, but much more complicated if you are not.

Good luck with the build and the paper war.
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Check with the US regs. It might be difficult, if not impossible, for a foreign national to own a US registered aircraft. (I seem to remember a friend having this problem until he became a US citizen.)

Also, if you have a base in the Dallas area, you might want to contact Jay Pratt at RV Central.

He has worked with pilots in the same situation as you and knows exactly how long it will take you to complete your -8. Plus, it is a lot warmer in Texas!

Perry Mc Neil,

Welcome to Doug's Web site! You will find a lot of fellowship and building help here.

If you have extra time in Dallas, please find your way over to Hicks T67. We have a lot of RV activity, and a really good restaurant on airfield.

I will encourage you to build here in my shop. :D. We are having a fun time building and flying RVs in Texas. Love to have you join us!
Welcome Perry.
There are actually alot of RV'ers in Australia. Many in NSW, and several of my new customers in Western Australia.
Maby Rv'ers in the Dallas/Ft Worth area. Jay, Walt and many others are always willing to help.
Thanks Team

There is a DAR (US) that I can apparently contact whilst building in Canada if I consider going with an N registration and getting frost-bite :D!

Many interesting points you have raised however, the devil always being in the detail. Flying into the USA and hiring a USA registered light aircraft on my FAA Licence I didn?t consider that there would be too many limits or restrictions on ownership. Obviously more homework required on that point.

We are certainly a little more flex here in Australia. Nonetheless I?ll review that area and remain compliant on the outcome. There is a lot of initial building, parts purchase and organisation to do first and if I have to bring the RV8 components home earlier than planned and assembly in Oz that?s not a great liability.

Jay thank you for your invitation, I would be delighted to drop-over to your Hangar the next time I am in Dallas and discuss options. Do you organise exports (if it comes to that) meanwhile I?ll need a few hours of Transitional Training as the flare height in the Jumbo is a tad higher than the RV8 and my last tail-wheel endorsement was a DC-3 circa 1983!
In the right grove.

You are in a good place and many good hands here. There are many good people in the Dallas-Fort worth area and you will like that idea too.
And, it is good to hear from someone with roots in Aviology. You will like the "8" it is a fun ride. We hope to hear from you many times in your road to flight with your new bird.
Yours as always R.E.A. III #80888
Re owning a US registered aircraft.
I recollect that a non US person can own a US registered aircraft if they form a US registered company to own the aircraft. Others may have more details.
Welcome to the wonderful world of RVs, & Calgary (temporary as it is).
Great points raised here & many more will be raised. I hope you can get knowledgable advise from the FAA (US) vs MD-RA (Canada) requirements & processes.
Feel free to drop in for 'RV talk', advise or help, while in Calgary.

Springbank Airport, Calgary
[email protected]
Hi Perry,
Welcome to the RV8 world!
I am building an RV8 in Brisbane. There are lots of advantages to building your own machine in Oz (assuming you want to return here). If you do your own build, are a member of the SAAA and do their maintenance procedures course, you will be able to maintain your own machine here. Just trying to boost Aussie RV numbers:D
Hello Rob and Ralph

Thank you for your posts.

Rob; Just to update, I am a member of the SAAA and an International member of the EAA. Completed my MPC course in early 2012. I am in the Archerfield chapter of the QLD SAAA (For my American and Canadian colleagues MPC (Maintenance Procedures Course) is a two day full-on course with an Open Book exam at the end on all the CASA (Civil Aviation Safety Authority ? our FAA equivalent) rules and regulations such that one can do one?s own maintenance on one?s own Experimental Aircraft ? not to go into the finer details here) Our SAAA acts like your EAA down-under.

Anyway Rob I have the opportunity to build in Canada (Calgary) or USA (Dallas Texas) but eventually (probably when the dollar hits parity again) ship home later.

I have a BNE-LAX-JFK-LAX-BNE flight pattern around the 13th January so I am going to have a chat to a Lawyer in Newport to see the finer points in owning in USA. I tried to contact Shane Daly up at Innovative Wings in Calgary to see the requirements in Canadian however Shane (like me at present) is on holidays. I am in Las Vegas at present heading home to Oz on the 6th January however would to keep in contact during your build RV8 build if I may.

Hello Perry.....Welcome to VAF! I love to fly(been doing so since 15yrs old) and can't wait to fly my -8....but I also find that the process of building is a simply awesome experience:D


Well we are just coming up to my First Year of Building the RV8. Although I don’t think I’ll ever get used to a Canadian Winter and Snow :eek:, the progress has been steady.

Recent milestones are:
1) I have ordered our engine from Aero Sport Power (Progressive) and it is currently finishing its pre-delivery testing.

2) We have managed to get the Aux Fuel Tanks (SafeAir1 ) Installed and the Speedbrakes (Precise Flite) Installed (via a set of new wing skins as my first effort was not an outstanding performance!) and the Wing Lights as well!.

3) Our wings are ready to close and we are just waiting on the Servo for the A/P to arrive. We decided to go with the G3X gear from Garmin

Attached Images of Co-Builders My Wife Leigh and Daughter Kristy and Self

Merry Xmas to all. :)
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Update on my Calgary Canada RV8 Build

McNeil Aviation Corp (Canada) & McNeil Aviation (Australia) are finally down to the wire for our RV8 build.


Early 2015

It has been a huge project and the last two years have disappeared at an unbelievable speed.

We went with the Garmin G3X front and rear seats. We added rear rudder pedals brakes and a throttle to the rear station as well. The stretch goes to 1 meter. That is 20 inches to the rear seat (OK I’ve put on a few ponds since I started flying...:eek:) and 16 inches to the forward cargo area in imperial measurement. ER cruise Fuel-Tanks (Tips)


Bench Test of Garmin G3X 'Touch' sytem.

Aero Sport Power produced a brand new IO-400 (215HP) clone with electronic ignition (and polish and ported the intakes) so we expect 225-230HP. MT composite CSU propeller. We went with a full Turbo Kit and Raven Inverted Flight oil system. Speed brakes to protect the IO-400 on descent + a O² System.


IO-400 pre-mount.

We are hopeful to have the MDRA final approval by end of December 2015 and the fly-off hopefully into the new year after the snow clears around Calgary.


My co-builders Wife Leigh and Daughter AME Kristy

I have not shipped from Calgary Canada or my second option (fly down to) Addison Texas. Any builder advice on how to best ship her home (Australia) or options /experiences would be most welcome please.


Perry :)

[email protected]
M: +61 (0) 450 964 926
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