
Well Known Member
Newbie question:ADDED PHOTOS

I just finished inventory on my RV-9A empennage kit. I have to say that I am disappointed. All of the ribs were not covered in the blue plastic and ALL of the ribs appear as if someone was already working on them. Pressure concavities where holes were drilled and all ribs have deep scratches on them and heavy tooling marks on them. The spars have long scratches on them as well (something tore right through the blue plastic. I can't imagine this is normal. Is this really the starting quality of these kits? Also, my elevator skins have a sizable crease in them where one of the hinge bracket goes. Its about a 4 inch long crease that creates a large depression in the sheet aluminum. What would you recommend doing? Thanks in advance.
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not right

That does not sound right. I receieved my empennage for the 7 about a month ago, and it was flawless. Not a scratch, ding or dent anywhere. The blue plastic was clean and fully attached.

I would call up Van's and talk to them. Take some pictures right away.
I'm definitely interested in following this story. Can you post a few pics so we can see what you're talking about?
My Kit

I received my emp kit for an 8 last week. None of the ribs had blue vinyl on them--I don't think Van's ships the ribs with vinyl on them. However, they were all carefully wrapped in paper. Everything was near perfect--I was missing one rib and received an extra of another. I emailed Van's and received the replacement rib in 5 days. I could not be happier with their service or the quality of my kit. :D

Emp. started
My empennage and wing kits arrived from Van's with no damage. The ribs are all press formed at the factory, so there shouldn't be any blue plastic on them. All of the ribs were tightly stacked and wrapped together as a bundle in clear plastic.
The parts that were in blue plastic did have a couple of minor scratches where the plastic was torn. When you take off the blue plastic and start working on the parts, they will inevitably get their share of scratches. Unless it is a deep gouge, I would just build on. Aluminum is pretty forgiving. You can scuff out the scratch with scotchbrite and prime. Minor bends can be rectified by hand. A sharp crease, probably not. Trust me, the elevator skins will get a lot of bending when you go to rivet on the stiffeners and spars!
Aaron -

I would have to agree that this doesn't seem right. We could have a look this week and see what we're dealing with. Most of the parts with my -7 were in good shape but not flawless. ...certainly no scratches on the spars or though! Yikes!

Give me a call. I'd love to take a look and help plan a call to Van's. They will want to know about this for sure! They have been great with everything I've ever called them about!

- Peter

PS - Take a few pics while you're at it. Van's might want to see some pics as well to try and figure out what took place.
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Maybe you received a 'returned emp kit' that was repackaged? Not the missing blue vinyl; because my ribs didn't have the vinyl. But the apparent wear and tear on the 'new' ribs you found.
Here are a couple of pictures of the the elevator skin...

The above pic is a tip rib...I don't know, if this is normal stuff please let me know, otherwise I will call them tomorrow. The tip rib is typical of all the ribs I have in terms of "scratches." Thanks for the advice guys.
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It's still a bit hard to tell from the photos of the skin what's a crease and what's a reflection, although I think I see what you're talking about. In any case, if the skin is actually bent, that's totally unacceptable and Van's should replace it for you.

The rib, unfortunately, looks typical. I'm not sure what the variations are in Van's manufacturing processes, but it seems that the parts that come covered in blue plastic are formed far more accurately and generally free of surface defects, while other parts lacking the blue plastic are formed less accurately and often exhibit the types of surface defects and deformations that you've observed. Van's considers these usable (I've had this conversation with them early on...), though if you press them hard enough they'll agree to exchange them for you, but I found that generally what you get back won't be any better. So... you end up having to just repair these types of surface scratches etc. as best you can. A scotchbrite disc works pretty well for smoothing down surface scratches like your rib photo. And then make sure to use a good sealing primer as the protective alclad has been compromised.
One of my elevator skins had a similar "wrinkle". It is hardly noticeable now, but I too was a little flustered when I first saw it..

The tooling marks on the ribs is normal.
Keep in mind that most ribs and many other pieces are heat treated after they are pressed. You can't heat treat with the plastic on.

Those scratches around the tooling holes are not that normal but they appear to be where the press operator was trying to align the holes. They will Scotchbrite out.

I'd contact Van's about the skin just in case it doesn't look good when you first cleco it together. Easier to point it out to them now then after you match drill and remove the plastic.
I'll be ordering a kit very soon and if that's what arrives on my doorstep, it's going back. There's got to be a quality control breakdown somewhere here.

Just got off the phone with Vans. I have to say, I am VERY IMPRESSED! There were no questions asked. Scott asked for a list of the parts and after I read them off to him he said "OK, we'll get the new ones out to you right away!" This kind of customer service absolutely reinforces my belief that I made the right decision to go with Vans.

Also, just to educate anyone who may have questions...the ribs are hydroformed and when that process occurs there can't be any blue plastic on them. Additionally, when the metal is heat treated it gets really soft and susceptible to scratches. This is where the "tooling" scratches come from. According to Van's tech services this is normal and can be cleaned up during deburring and priming processes. Even though Vans determined this to be normal, they are still sending me replacements no questions asked. So if you are concerned about customer service...you don't need to be with Vans. They are top-notch.

Being a newbie, I'll have a lot of those "stupid" questions. But if you don't ask, they won't get answered.
Here are a couple of pictures of the the elevator skin...


These skins exhibit G2 (and perhaps even G1) discontinuities (as evidenced by the reflection lines not appearing continuous). Glad that Van's replaced them, as this is unacceptable in a new part.

Never saw scratches like the ones on the other part on *any* of my ribs or other bare metal parts, either.
Most definitely not acceptable parts. The rib has most definitely been worked on and the skin is not acceptable. you will never get that crease out. These are clearly returned damaged parts.
Customer Service

I'm really glad Van's didn't question anything. They are a Stand Up Co. Nice to know that in these tough economic times, Van's is still willing to do the right thing. Now it looks like you have something to Practice on before you start the real thing. Now get busy !!!!!!!!!! LOL

Rich Denton
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