
Well Known Member
ok,... just bought a 9A QB project, not quite complete,.... getting ready to look at closing the wings,.. actually have some wiring to finish,... but have the dimple dies and thinking I can work this while I wait for more bushings and wire to complete.

So,.. question is ,. do I need to "chase" the holes with a drill,... JUST deburr,.. or not really to keep the wars going,.. just scotchbrite it and start to dimple??

I'm gonna go give it a "wipe down",.. and think about using the dimple die,. while hopefully I get a few good pieces of advice in the next hour or so

Drill, if pre-punched holes have not yet been drilled. Example #40 & 41 drills.

I debur everything with a deburring tool, as well as oversized drill bits once and a while. I've only used scotchbrite in very hard to get to places.


i would match drill as stated then one light turn with a debur bit...key word LIGHT. i dont see the wipe down being very effective..and dont want to get in to a debate about it :D....TEHO good luck.