
Well Known Member
I should be receiving my 2nd practice kit as well as the empenage kit for my -7A this week... I'd like to know if there is anyone that can come help me get started... I should have mostly everything I'll need... just need some experience to show me the way. I cant go to a builders class cause of work. I'd like to get help driving rivets correctly, deburring techniques, and drilling out rivets, etc. I'd like to do all of my practicing on the practice kit, and then may need help getting started on the emp. just to make sure I'm reading prints correctly etc. Time constraints leave me with the weekends to play unless someone wants to come by at night during the week. I'm in the Frisco/Little Elm area... I'd be more than happy to cover gas for driving over.


Can you locate a local area Technical Counselor? Is there an EAA chapter nearby? You can learn it on your own (I did, with help from books a some internet sites on riveting), but having someone show you would be a lot better.
I'll have to look into that... I just joined EAA (like 2 weeks ago) and havent jumped into learning about chapters yet... So an EAA Tech Counselor can show me how to get started? How expensive is it to have one come out?

I'll have to look into that... I just joined EAA (like 2 weeks ago) and havent jumped into learning about chapters yet... So an EAA Tech Counselor can show me how to get started? How expensive is it to have one come out?


As far as I know they are volunteers and don't charge for coming over to take a look at your work.
As far as I know they are volunteers and don't charge for coming over to take a look at your work.

Correct - Tech Counselors are all volunteers, and happy to help folks get their projects going. I'd volunteer but know that there are way more qualified people much closer to you - let's see, do we know any RV builders in the DFW area....?:rolleyes: (Doug, Danny, Jay, etc, etc, etc....)

I live in Addison and would be glad to help if you don't mind an -8 builder ;)stopping by. Send me a telephone number and a best time to call and we can arrange something.


I live in Addison and would be glad to help if you don't mind an -8 builder ;)stopping by. Send me a telephone number and a best time to call and we can arrange something.


That would be great! I'm not too far from Addison... I actually fly out of ADS. I can definitely use the help, pm sent!