
Hey everyone. I have been lurking around this great website and these VERY helpful forums for the past few months and decided I should probably introduce myself. First off let me thank everyone for the awsome knowledge I have already soaked up and the inevitable help I will need in the future Building Process.

A little about myself. My name is Corey, I'm 25, live in Denver, Colorado, married and have a wonderful new one month old baby girl. My love for aviation comes from my grandfather who worked in the industry since the days of Howard Hughes until his retirement from the original Frontier Airlines as a mechanic and inspector in the 80's. I've had my ASEL since 2000 and now have a Bachelors Degree in Aviation Management from the Metropolitan State College of Denver. I work for Denver's air ambulance Flight For Life Colorado as a Communication Specialist and Emergency Medical Technician.

After looking into the enormous cost involved with most manufactured aircraft I found myself drooling over the great Vans RV product. On top of that I always hear my father saying he will never forgive himself for not buying an old airplane years ago and restoring it with my grandfather and unfortunately now he will never have that chance. Based off this situation long ago I decided I will never be in in such a place, wishing I would have built an aircraft with my father. As such together we have decided we will build a Vans airplane, for us and to honor my grandfather.

We are interested in building an RV-7 for some nice cross countries and leisure flying. Nothing fancy, no aerobatics, just fun and straight forward flying. We are now in the process of getting funds and a workshop in order and hope to begin building within a year. In the mean time I guess an appropriate next step would be to eventually go up for the first time in a van's so we can experience the "RV Grin" first hand and obtain proper motivation.

Sorry for the long post....It's 0130, i?m tired and "business" is slow. Thanks again for everything, sorry in advance for any posting mistakes and just for fun I will post up some pictures of my work for everyone?s viewing pleasure...




cjv80 said:
We are interested in building an RV-7 for some nice cross countries and leisure flying. Nothing fancy, no aerobatics, just fun and straight forward flying.

Ever consider a -9A? Nice A-Star by the way, but being an old JetRanger driver, I believe the rotors on yours turn backwards!

Wow! and Welcome to the best forum in the world.. scratch that... family is what I ment to say. I and everyone else welcome you to our world. If there is ANYTHING... that you have a question about or whatever, we are here for you. I loved those photos!!! My dream is to become a medevac pilot for rotor.. I was a UH-60L crewchief in my past life. I'd love to get a link to more pics.
I suggest you visit Dan Checkoway's site if you are going to build a -7...or anything else for that matter... it's one of the best. Congrats on the baby and we hope to see you soon.
Brian Wallis

Thanks for the kind words fellas, I appreciate the warm welcome.

-Brain, I will PM you with some more photos, I think I have quite a few I can send to you.

-gbrasch, You are quite correct, our rotors may turn backwards but the nice power available with the B3 lets us get into those tight LZ's at 12,000. :cool:


Im glad to be here and look forward to seeing you all at future fly ins.


By the way Gbrasch...

gbrasch said:
Ever consider a -9A? :D

The answer to your question is nothing is certain for us right now and I am open to advice on all kits. I am here to learn so an open mind is defiantly what I have.

Welcome, Corey!

Great introduction! Very nice meeting you 'virtually' and if I'm ever in the Dever area I'll be sure to look you up.
