Hello all,

First off let me say that this forum seems to be a great place for information. I have made a few posts so far and thought I would introduce myself.

I am a UH60A/L Instructor Pilot in the US Army. I have been in the military for approx. 18 years. Four in the USAF as Security Policeman and the remaining in the USA.

I have been interested in aviation since I was five, when my uncle took me for my first flight. It has been an addiction ever since! I have also been interested in building my own plane ever since I found out how much a production craft costs :eek: ! I have always thought the RV series have been the best bang for the buck and the best looking!

I have a few hurdles to overcome before I can commit to building. I am scheduled to take an extended vacation (one year deployment) to Afghanistan starting in January. Upon my return in 2008, my wife and I will be leaving for Korea or Japan. Maybe, with a little research and some good luck I will be building overseas, if not, it will have to wait until I return to the US.
I have the cash, motivation and mechanical skills to complete the project. Now it is only a matter of finding the time!

I saw where ArmyDad was over in Korea visiting his Daughter and he posted a few pics of the DMZ.

As part of my introduction, I thought ArmyDad and others would be interested in some aviations pics of Korea. Enjoy!

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early morning flight over the East Sea near Busan


same lighthouse after a hurricane


hovering at Camp Walker Heliport


formation flying


flying over Woobang Tower Land Amusement Park in Daegu (pop 2.3 million)

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the helicopters door popped open, so they landed on top of Kumo Mtn to shut it


flying the east coast of Korea


returning from Seoul, this photo was taken very near where ArmyDad was visiting


flying under Osan AB's approach path


returning to Camp Walker Heliport for a photo op

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deck landing practice in the East Sea


deck landing practice in the East Sea


deck landing practice in the East Sea


deck landing practice in the East Sea (me mugging for the camera)


SPIES(Special Personnel Insertion/Extraction System) practice with the infantry


heading to the US Embassy to get married!


the altar at one of the many Buddhist Temples I visited


a nice looking RV4 I spotted in Meridian Mississippi


12500ft in Colorado, practicing for upcoming deployment to Afghanistan

I hope you enjoyed the photos!!!

Awesome, Michael!! Thanks for the photos and congrats on doing something you love for a living. Everyone should be so fortunate.
Michael, thanks very much for your service to our country. It is greatly appreciated. I wish you the best over the next year and hope you can find the time to build your own RV. I'm just on the fuselage but enjoying every minute I can find to work on it. The group here is a great bunch. Keep us updated as you can and thanks for the photos!
No "Whine" until it is time


Thanks for sharing the pictures and thank you for your service in helping try to make the Earth a better place. I am going to suggest you wait until settled back in the US before starting your project. Save your money and sock it away for now. I have spent my life traveling the globe and know how hard it is to move your things around. Intercontential movements can be very disruptive not to mention damaging to your possessions. I know your anxious and I would rarely discourage anyone from going for it, but in this case I think you would be wiser to wait until you are settled back in the states. Shipping costs will be low and that guy who has already built one, has plenty of advice and tools you can use will be right down the road.

What's the name of that ship you were bouncing on? USS? USNS? I'm a former vertrepper, H-46D's, Guam, HC-5.
Thanks for all the warm welcomes!

Perhaps I will wait until I am completely settled before I attempt the build. Oh, well, in the meantime I will continue to lurk and glean as much info as I can.

The ship is named the USNS Niagra if that helps. I flew to another USNS ship, but I don't remember the name.

I can only imagine how difficult it would be to attempt to land on that tiny deck in the middle of the night on a zero illum night with a pitching deck. What a challenge. Glad I don't do that for a living! Much respect for the Navy/Marine Corps guys and gals that do!

Ah! The Niagra Falls. I deployed on that ship out of Guam in 2000. You're right, landing on that on a dark night sucked. What really sucked is that we did it unaided(non-NVGs for those that don't know). We were wearing goggles on the big deck amphibs, but our sqdn didn't own enough NVD's to equip our USNS dets with goggles. Got vertigo on more than one moonless overcast night.
UH60Hwkdrvr said:
Everybody digs aviation photos, so I thought I would share!

I sure enjoyed your pictures. Thanks for sharing.
BTW, I'll trade you a ride in my RV7A, if you can get me a ride in the UH60 <big G>
man, now im just jealous

i was a oh 58 mechanic at bragg and really wanted to fly. now im just jealous. :eek: good luck and take the pukes flyin every now and then. ;)
great pics by the way
tobinbasford said:
..... What really sucked is that we did it unaided(non-NVGs for those that don't know).....:eek:

Man oh man, thats what I am talking about!! That's just plain crazy!! I made a turn out over the ocean one night with zero illum, looked out through the windscreen and saw nothing but blackness. Totally disorienting. Thank god for good training, because I immediately went to the instruments continued the turn until I could see lights through my peripheral vision and continued the flight. Whew, dodged that bullet! Spatial "D" is a big killer. Again, much respect to the guys and gals that do that for a living.

If you are a DoD or Military ID card holder, give me a call when you are in the Khandahar, Afghanistan area and I will gladly work out a ride for you. I will be a little closer to home in 2008, so if you are passing through the Ft. Bragg area, the invitation remains open.


First and foremost, thank for your service to the greatest country in the world. Be safe!!!

There are several heli drivers on the list. Love the pictures and keep us up to date!!!!
Ahhh the memories of the ROK!!!

Too bad Clark AB is shut down, you could have diverted during Team Spirit and taken a quick tour of the quick build factory in the P.I.!!!

One thing about flying in Korea that always amazed me was how the forests were replanted after the war, I mean cease fire.... From above all the nice neat rows like an orchard.

Can you still get Nike's for $5.00 a pair? :D
Hi all,

I finally made it to Afghanistan. I have been flying my tail off through some of the most inhospitable terrain I have ever seen. If the mountains don't get you, then the locals will.

Here are a few pictures of some recent flying. Enjoy!

Heading off on the first leg through some easy desert and mountains

A British Lynx coming in at the end of the day.

At the end of a very long day in the cockpit (7.4hrs) Man was my butt tired!!
