
Well Known Member
Some may recall a "Newbie" post that I made last September asking about the RV community in North Texas, as I knew exactly nothing about Van's aircraft. I was promptly invited to Jay Pratt's surprise birthday party at Hicks (T67) by Doug Reed. Then to my delight, Jay loaned "Borrowed Horse" to Roy Geer to take me for a ride. I was smitten, not only by the aircraft but by the sense of community that I found with RV folks. I had been out of the cockpit for 18 years, and wanted to fly for fun. After six months' search, I found a very nice RV8 that was the fourth aircraft built by Kevin Cruzin, who now flys F22 Raptors for the airforce, and is building an F1. It is hangered at Aero Country (T31). As soon as I can finish my training with Alex DeDominici, Marcie (my wife) and I hope to join in some of the neat fly-aways that are always taking place.
The real purpose of this post is to thank all of those who helped me learn about and make the decision to get an RV8, N5678C. My sincere THANK YOU goes to:

Doug Reeves for introducing me to the RV community and to "Van's Airforce."

Jay Pratt for his generous sharing of both knowledge and "Borrowed Horse."

Mike and Gayla Heberling for showing me the advances in Glass Cockpits.

Roy Geer for taking both Marcie and me for a ride in "Borrowed Horse."

Chuck Wilson and Jeff Hansen for helping me to analyze the aircraft available, for helping with the pre-buy inspection, and for installing needed updates in N5678C.

Ray Miller, who offered me a space in his hanger next to Chuck and Jeff.

Cameron Kurth, (RV4 Orange County, CA)who first told me about Van's aircraft.

I just hope that I have not left anyone out.

Craig Taylor
WELCOME... the "Bought Flying" club!!!:D
If it weren't for guy's like us, all those repeat offenders would soon run out of hangar space. Not to mention $.:rolleyes:
Now that I think about it, I'm sure that was my primary reason for buying rather than building: consideration for those repeaters.;)
Oh, well, sacrifices must be made
Welcome Aboard


It is a pleasure to get to know you and help you get your ride. Welcome to the RV community. I am sure your adventure is just beginning. I will look for you to join us and hope to see you at the big and small fly ins.

The RV community is so large that you will have to look around to see what interest you. Formation, Fly n Eat, aircraft camping trips, Home Coming, OSHKOSH.

There are a lot of RVs that we just never see. They must fly to the kids out of state homes. Or, hardly ever fly???

I could have built you one in 6 months ;)
photo of N5678C

Here's the photo:
