
Hi everyone,

I have just purchased a part built RV-12, and this is my first post on the Forum, so please be gentle with me :)

At the moment, the empenage, fuselage and wings are mostly complete, so after checking/completing these, I will be moving on to the finishing kit.

Searching the Internet, there seems to be lots of visual aids to assist in the build process, certainly much more than was available to me for my recently completed Europa. I am sure I will be exploring as many as I can over the coming months, but the DVD's from "Homebuild Help" are appealing. I like Jon Croke's style of presentation. Are there any builders out there that have used this DVD set, and have now completed their build, so would be willing to part with their set for a reasonable amount ? I would also be interested to hear of any other recommendations.

I enjoyed Paul Straub's Youtube video of his build, and guess I will be revisiting that quite a few times.

I really enjoyed finishing the build of my Europa, so I am looking forward to working on a metal aircraft. I live in Sheffield in the UK, so hope to touch base with more UK builders in the coming months. The next task is to ensure I have all the correct tools for the job. The RV-12 tool kit came with the aircraft, but I have yet to decide/invest in air tools, bench grinder, etc. I have some time, as I want to spend the summer flying my new Europa, the RV-12 is for those cold wet winter days, to be spent in the garage.
Lukla, many thanks, but another kind soul of this parish fulfilled my needs a few weeks ago.
Mike, thanks for the welcome. 😊
I have the entire HomebuiltHelp series for the RV-12. I'm still building and still using them. For someone like me, a first time builder, they are a great help.
HomebultHelp RV-12 DVDs for RV-12iS

I finished my empennage kit some weeks ago and are now waiting for the fuselage kit to arrive.

Since I was not able to find some used HomebuiltHelp DVD's for the RV-12, I am considering buying them. What is letting me hesitate is that I don't know if they still are accurate enough for the RV-12iS. Already the DVDs instructions for the stabilator where somewhat misleading, because so much changed. Now I read that more than 20% of the fuselage parts are new. So my question is: Should I buy them?
HomebultHelp RV-12 DVDs for RV-12iS

I had purchased all the videos from the HomebultHelp RV-12 DVDs for my first building of my legacy RV-12 fuselage, tail, finishing, and wing. At the time it was very helpful. But building the new iS fuselage, I was not really able to use the fuselage DVD because almost all the parts on the new iS are different is some way. There are some steps that air similar. As for the finishing kit, again the same deal, even the tail kit now is a little different in how the stab is assembled. The best video, is the wing DVD, as that has changed very little except for the AOA and the flush mounted wing walk area.

It's OKAY to make mistakes as we all have.

If you don't find a DVD or a video instruction set for assembling the RV-12iS don't worry because we are all here for you to help. So if you have a question just post it, there are some really great knowledgeable people on the forum to help you. Might take a day or two but someone will know.