
Well Known Member
This is going to sound like an elementary question to some builders, but I have to ask. How does one normally close the opened canopy on the -8 series? I have to ask because I once observed a RV-8 pilot at AirVenture turning a small wheel located near the sill and the canopy moved smoothly towards the closed position relative to his turning of the wheel. It took maybe 3 seconds to close the canopy. I assume the wheel was connected to a sort of cable and capstan arrangement. Did I observe a stock configuration or a builder modification?

Hi Rick,
It was a builder modification, similar to the crank used on P-51's. Usually, the pilot reaches over and behind his head and pulls the canopy forward. If he is solo, there is usually a stop that only lets it go half way back otherwise he may not be able to reach it. When they're two-up, the passenger gets it started foward until the pilot can reach it and finishes closing it.

Happy Easter,
pierre smith said:
.....It was a builder modification....
Thanks for the info Pierre. Now I know. I would think it would be a lucrative option for some after-market company to develop for the -8 series.
Yup, I've seen that mod too....looks kind of neat, but adds some complexity. Of course, it is really embarrassing when you get all tightly strapped in (solo), and then realize that since you were loading luggage, the canopy is all the way back, and you're going to have to unstrap in order to close it....and all sorts of people are watching....;-)

My technique, which I learned from someone else, is to simply slide off a shoulder harness, reach back for the canopy, then slide the haness back on. As they say here in Alabama, "ain't no thang".
hand crank

Here ya are Rick. Lyle Hefel and a couple other RV-8's had those cranks at the fly in up in Iowa last June.


