
So I have started my build on the VS got everything primed and deburred. I started the dimpling and got a little carried away with my new DRDT. That being said, I dimpled the VS-704 rib in every hole when the plans call for 5 holes to not be dimpled or riveted. (page 06-04) I did not dimple the skin. I looked ahead and it looks like these holes will be drilled to a #6 for the fairing and nutplates later, but wanted advise in whether or not I should press on or replace the rib. I am sure this is the first of many mistakes. Thanks for the help.
I would just flatten them out if they are the screw holes that you are referring to. Most of the material will end up being drilled out later anyway. Rule of thumb is only flatten out a dimple once, only if you have to. Should not be a problem here.
This is a lesson I learned the hard way (like up you) early on. The best habit to develop is when you first start with a part (particularly skins), mark the "exception" holes (blue painters tape works very well, though I know others like to use markers) to remind you. It's just too ease to get on a roll dimpling and overdo it.
I would flatten the dimples and then drill out to #6 and look for cracks. A new VS-704 is $14.15 in any case so don't be too concerned about replacing. Figure out now what your tolerances will be for replacing parts, replace only if unsatisfactory from a safety standpoint all the way up to replace if not 100% perfectly done because there will be many times you will need to make this decision before you are finished. If you replace if not 100% prefect, most will tell you that the project will never be completed.