New York, New York....

...what a wonderful town. Thanks Vlad.

Keep 'em coming, товарищ.
Great Pictures Vlad! I did the Hudson River a few years ago in a C310. Big check on the bucket list. I look forward to a trip up there in the RV7A.
:) As always, thanks for sharing Vlad. Someday soon I'll be flying. Your posts keep me motivated to make that day sooner rather than later.
Cool dude. We don't see things like that in North Texas. Here is a view out my window. Lake Texoma.


But our wing look the same...
Vlad, great photos....Only in New York can they start building a bridge, with not knowing how to pay for it...(Tappan Zee replacement)...Tom
Fond Memories of Coney Island

Thanks Vlad for the photos of Coney Island, from a LI boy trapped in WI; but I have a shorter commute to OSH now.
so motivating

Great pics Vlad, makes it easier to step up to the fuse and start pounding those rivets.