
Well Known Member
All, I was in Switzerland last New Year's Day but am home this year so based on the e-mail from Larry "Kubota" Schneider, let's again plan our annual New Year's Day Flyout 2017 back to Lake Havasu (HII)! Our 2013 Flyout to HII had 46 RVs so let's see how we do in 2017! There is an hour difference in time for the AZ folks so let's plan to meet on the ramp no later than 1800 ZULU time; 10am CA/NV time and 11am AZ time ;-) Please RSVP here for a Headcount so we can coordinate with the Restaurant. Thanks again to Larry for the heads-up, and see you all there on New Year's Day!!! Rosie

New management just reopened the restaurant at Havasu. Have you verified they will be open New years?
New management just reopened the restaurant at Havasu. Have you verified they will be open New years?

Is this Hangar 24 you're talking about? I saw their FB notice of grand opening a few weeks back and thinking of this year's flyout I asked if they would be open but got no response.
Bump on the thread. Looks like the weather may have a good window on Sunday between storms/rain to get out there and back. Fingers crossed, I'll be there with my wife.
So it's now January 25th and I haven't seen any posts or pictures of the NYD fly-out. Was it scrubbed? Although I wanted to, my commitments wouldn't allow me to drive up for the lunch.
I wasn't able to make it. Ran my battery down and couldn't get the airplane started. :mad: That, and the weather across the mountains was pretty iffy, so we scrubbed the mission.
So it's now January 25th and I haven't seen any posts or pictures of the NYD fly-out. Was it scrubbed? Although I wanted to, my commitments wouldn't allow me to drive up for the lunch.

NYD was great fun at Havasu! We had a great turnout with an RV-10, a 9A and I even think i saw a -7! The food was wonderful and the fuel prices competitive. All in all a great time was had by the multitude of RV pilots (3) and passengers (1) that dared to brave the conditions and show up! I'm going back but I won't wait for another New Year to make the trip!

I'll post a couple of pics later.

NYD was great fun at Havasu! We had a great turnout with an RV-10, a 9A and I even think i saw a -7! The food was wonderful and the fuel prices competitive. All in all a great time was had by the multitude of RV pilots (3) and passengers (1) that dared to brave the conditions and show up! I'm going back but I won't wait for another New Year to make the trip!

I'll post a couple of pics later.

I'd love to see the photos. The weather was a little marginal for my level of experience, so I made the "no-go" decision. Looking forward to next year's event.