
Well Known Member
Reviving my long-dormant build site to document what I've been doing for the past few years:


We moved halfway across the country and built a house and a hangar on a residential airpark. I bought a half-share of an antique Cessna, and have been slowly bootstrapping my way back to having a functional workshop again. Now I guess I'm just about ready to get back to work on the airplane, although my mission has certainly changed along with my location... what I really want to do nowadays is look straight down for interesting places to land! (but that's a topic for the RV-15 thread)

A few highlights from the post:




Wow, nice shop. I'll have to take some notes! I like the built in HF drawers and organizers - from your website. Well done. No shop productivity excuses!
That's a really well thought out and nicely built workshop!

Even if your mission profile has changed I'm sure you'll enjoy the process of building and finishing the RV, once you get back into it. And there's no real rush, because you have something to fly when it's not raining up there. ;)

Good luck with the project and looking forward to further updates.
Matt that is one beautiful workshop. If that is an example of the work you do, your RV will be outstanding.

You're obviously a very talented cabinet maker! Good timing for me, as we're about to enclose an old pole barn for my RV shop, and you've given me many great ideas. Thanks!
Amazing workshop - I'm in the process of getting mine setup after a move also, and you've provided some inspiration for sure.
Holy catfish, that's a real nice setup. Welcome to the Pacific NW.

I notice some heavy looking tool cases up on shelves. I would avoid that here in the Northwest 'cause even a minor quake will dump those to the concrete floor. Strap the vertical compressor to studs or bolt to floor. Also, consider that any shelving near cars or airplanes can dump contents onto expensive toys.

WOW! Great quality workmanship and you obviously spent some time thinking about the layout and usability of the space.
I use those same Sortimo storage boxes (heard about them from the same source - Adam Savage Videos), and I, too, use Kaizen foam to help organize the tools, and I'm a big believer in French Cleat tool boards.

But myshop doesn't look NEARLY as good as yours ;)
Thanks everyone! I've found it therapeutic to knock together these kind of simple cabinets. The new place is definitely an improvement over my old dark and poorly-organized garage.

I notice some heavy looking tool cases up on shelves. I would avoid that here in the Northwest 'cause even a minor quake will dump those to the concrete floor. Strap the vertical compressor to studs or bolt to floor.

Yep, the compressor is lassoed to the wall and all the plastic cases on the shelves are empty.
Absolutely beautiful shop. Thanks for sharing! When I am done with the RV-10, I think my shop may get a makeover, and that French cleat system makes a lot of sense.