
Well Known Member
Exciting news, YOU now have an option to bind coverage automatically online! By completing an application and PAYING WITH A CREDIT CARD :), you may be able to bind coverage in about 5 minutes. This is great for those impulse weekend purchases or if you just want a quick quote. Please visit our website for more information and click on the ?Buy coverage online today? option. Here is the link to our new and improved website Of course, if you would like for us to shop your new purchase with all of our companies, we will be happy to do so. Just click on the ?Get a quote from our team? option.
There's a pretty famous name missing from the list there which has got me worried.

Jenny's. She's still there, right? Because she's why I did business with AJG (and was always very happy with the service, btw)
Yes, Jenny is still here. She is in charge of the office now as the Light Aircraft Sales Manager. Shanna, Jennifer and I are the Van's specialists and report to her. You will still see Jenny at the big events, but that famous name has changed recently. She now goes by Jenny Brower instead of Estes.