
Well Known Member
So it turns out I am still not up to full health when flying acro so instead of making the hardcore video of all RV acro vids I made this more gentle version.

To be honest I'm also building my confidence again after a moth layoff..After this relatively behign set I was soaked in sweat and felt pretty nauseous.

Ok enough excuses,

Here it is

RE:Way Cool!!!!!!!!!!


So there you were one day pounding rivets/prep fiberglass/wiring/FWF stuff/ :)

Boring big ole holes in the sky..............Way Cool:cool:

Glad to here the cold is starting to subside...........and thanks for the inspiriation..................getting close to the finish line here at SGU........................................last 1001 details to do!!!!!!!:eek:

Frank2 @ SGU & 1L8.....RV7A...last 1001 details....
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Lookin good

Hey Frank,
I'm jealous. Another great video.
I tried some wing overs the other day in my Supercub. Booooring! Can't wait for the wx. to improve so I can finish up with Steve (Now I know why the college teams there are called the Ducks)
Do you know what the field of view is for your camera lens ?
Also, do you (or anyone else reading this thread) have any recommendations for acro instruction manuals. I have Alan Cassidy's book but, I'd like another perspective too.

Good work

Supercub for sale, waiting for -8 wings.

Gotta love that grin in the first loop......and the it possible to have an instant crush on a girl youv'e never seen?What a beautiful voice.
Awesome vid! Lots of good stuff in there, but I particularly enjoyed the steep turn at the 3:15 mark. Something about watching the clouds spin around got me. And Ms. Valeri Lopez's Myspace page is now bookmarked, opened in another window, and playing in the background. Thanks for that!
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Did I mention Valeri is also single!

She is the closest thing to a nightingale I have ever heard...I will send her the link to this page..:)

Oh yes..did you notice I pulled the turn tight enough that it actually stalled...Its kinda fun and proves you really have to provoke this little airplane to get into trouble...Sometimes the top wing stalls first and sometimes the lower wing.



So it turns out I am still not up to full health when flying acro so instead of making the hardcore video of all RV acro vids I made this more gentle version.

To be honest I'm also building my confidence again after a moth layoff..After this relatively behign set I was soaked in sweat and felt pretty nauseous.

Ok enough excuses,

Here it is


Frank.....Why the facial contorsions ? Are you doing the g-push/squeeze thing (I'm not an aerobatic pilot.......yet!!) ? Is it necessary for the RV type of aerobatics ? Curious minds need to know :) I like the music also...
Ha ha..No

I wasn't feeling that great amd I think the Sun was in my eyes...But no those facial contortions were nothing to do with high G forces...

If you caheck out my other vids (click on the "frankhinde" icon and it will give you all 4 videos) and you will see some more radical manouvers with a more stoic demeanor...:)

Thanks Steve

Hey Frank,
I'm jealous. Another great video.
I tried some wing overs the other day in my Supercub. Booooring! Can't wait for the wx. to improve so I can finish up with Steve (Now I know why the college teams there are called the Ducks)
Do you know what the field of view is for your camera lens ?
Also, do you (or anyone else reading this thread) have any recommendations for acro instruction manuals. I have Alan Cassidy's book but, I'd like another perspective too.

Good work

Supercub for sale, waiting for -8 wings.

The camera is 170 Deg FOV I believe...Its exactly the same setup as Groucho's except I run the Cannon HV20 camera and he has an HV10...Check Groucho's page (link form his reply to me) to get the full skinnt on what/where to get it all etc.

Acro manuals...Erm..Never ead one to be honest.

Thanks PJ

Frank are you using right or left hand on the stick? Great video..

Thanks PJ

I'M a right hand on the stick flyer for acro..My airplane has a LH throttle, I'm more comfortable that way.

For instrument flying I fly with LH on stick however...It leads to some hand swapping but I find it best to have my good right hand for tuning radios etc and use my left to add the minsicule movements required to fly the thing IFR.

Oh yes..did you notice I pulled the turn tight enough that it actually stalled...Its kinda fun and proves you really have to provoke this little airplane to get into trouble...Sometimes the top wing stalls first and sometimes the lower wing.



Yes, actually. I figured that as tight as you were turning (and weren't stopping anytime soon) that it would stall eventually. It actually reminded me a lot of the vid that the one and only DR posted a while ago (except his camera was pointing down,) in which he also rolled it up on edge and held the nose on the horizon until it stalled. It's amazing how tight these planes can turn. Keep up the good work.

My only critique is to get your vids hosted somewhere so that I (and others) can save them to my harddrive and watch them when I need a break from work. Doug and Groucho's vids could use some company in the "motivation" folder on my desktop. :D
Too cheap

Maybe one day I'll have my own website so you can download them...

Oh a quick plug for Valeri...Her CD's are available for purchase...:)