
Well Known Member
Has anyone found a convenient way to print out the POH on the website in the small page format of the original paper book?
I take it to Staples and have them print it out but then I still have to cut the pages down to the correct size. Not really easy.:(
I take mine to Office Depot. They print the manual, and cut it to size at no additional cost. They wanted extra to punch the holes, so I do that myself with use of an adjustable 3 hole punch. Works great!!


Do Vans send paper copies of the final documents, or is downloading & printing out the only way to get them? Thanks, Cheers, DEAN....
I ordered the last updated version from Vans to replace my earlier POH. I requested just the pages since I already had a cover, but they sent a new cover anyway. I guess they probably aren't set up to sell pages and covers separately. Anyway the new POH cost $25.
Printing Half-Sheet POH

Has anyone found a convenient way to print out the POH on the website in the small page format of the original paper book?

The most convenient way is to have someone else do it. Lacking that I did get good at the process while making Flight Test Cards at Club Muroc.

1) Secure a fair quantity of 8.5 x 5.5 paper. If you have access to A5 paper it will do (I miss British Office Supply stores, oh, and real Cod & Chips) If you cannot find either, find a paper cutter and cut some Letter size paper in half. (This is what I usually have to do.) BTW FranklinCovey used to sell a very nice Half-Sheet 7-hole punch for a reasonable price, but with Day-Timers going the way of the Dodo they may not exist any more.

2) Load up the printer.

3) Press Ctrl-P to bring up the Print Dialog box (or the Mac equivalent)

4) Some printers have Half-Sheet but most don't. In that case create a custom paper size of 8.5 x 5.5 and select it.

5) Select 'Actual Size' and print. It should print as you expect.

This process has worked for me for years. I normally use Card Stock for Checklists, Normal Ops and Emer Procedures, and if you get really bored, you can play with different colours as well.

Hope this helps.
Tom, I tried your method and it does print. Problem is the whole page gets squeezed down to a size where the print is VERY small. I ended up just printing the manual two-sided, clamping all the pages together and cutting them down to size with a table saw. Yeah I know, very kludgey. Should have bought a new book for the 25 bucks. Didn't know Vans sold them separately. Next time, I'll call Vans first!
Hi Guys,

Technically you are required to use the POH that came with your individual aircraft at the time of purchase. The only way to use future or newer POH is if Vans comes out in writing and states that the new POH or additions are applicable to all aircraft preceding the new publication. We went though this on another forum and with the FAA. You can not just adopt another newer POH just because it's the same model. There may be differences that aren't applicable to some models. The POH wasn't supposed to be a one size fits all.
Any aircraft. If a newer version of a POH and or additions are available an aircraft company must state in that revision that this newer version supersedes all other POH information. The main reason for this is a company can and does change things as the years or models roll off the assembly line. If the owner tries to pick and choose what POH he wants to use then the new parameters can cause serious consequences since the old model is not like the newer aircraft. Your individual POH is basically your Bible to your plane and not someone else aircraft. The POH for the first model produced may have many changes with the most current. They aren't supposed to be interchangeable.
The version that came with your plane is what it was certified airworthy with and goes with that plane.
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Okay...Just Alittle Confused

Does Van's send you a POH upon completion of your kit? I have seen quite Few changes just since stating my kit last March 2013.....which I have incorporated while building....and, I ain't done yet.
Maybe it's me?

Tom, I tried your method and it does print. Problem is the whole page gets squeezed down to a size where the print is VERY small. I ended up just printing the manual two-sided, clamping all the pages together and cutting them down to size with a table saw. Yeah I know, very kludgey. Should have bought a new book for the 25 bucks. Didn't know Vans sold them separately. Next time, I'll call Vans first!

That should have worked. Just to make sure it isn't me I downloaded the new POH and tried it again myself. Both from Windows 7 Pro and Mac OS 10.9.4 the first few pages printed just fine on a Canon 850MX Multifunction and a Brother HL-4040CDN Laser. The Acrobat interface is identical on both platforms. I also attempted it from Preview in OS 10 and the process was identical except that instead of selecting 'Actual Size' I had to select 'Scale" and run the percentage back to 100%. Again, it printed and even duplexed just fine for me. It is probably something simple. If you want to pursue it PM me your phone number and I am sure we can get it working.
POH - Weight and Balance chart question?

Looking at the loading graph figure 4.1 section 4-5 it appears the fuel loading line is on the wrong side of the passenger arm line? Revision 1 and 2 are the same. Is this correct? The fuel line seems to put the fuel moment in front of the passenger, which in the 12 is not the case. (At least with the original vans tank)
The baggage and pilot/pax weight is in lbs. For fuel you use the gallons scale. It's a bit confusion, would be easier if Van's lines up the 20USG with 120lbs (20USG +/- 120lbs). Only in that case the fuel line (red) will (almost) coincide with the bagage line:


"corrected" scale. Fuel (red line) in USG or lbs.
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Weight & Balance Chart


Thanks for the embarrassing heads up! (Looking closely at the small print on the line and 2nd scale at the base of the chart after your reply it makes sense. I wonder if anyone has redrawn the chart to Litres and Kg to remove the risk of conversion errors for metric users? :eek:
Excel to the rescue!

No problem Andrew :D
I never used the charts, iPad programs like Skydemon and Air Nav Pro have their own W&B tool. Besides that Excel works great. Only time that W&B is off for me is when flying solo with full fuel and baggage or when flying with my son with full fuel and baggage.

Regards, Joeri.

Flying with my wife:

Flying solo:

Flying with my son:
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