
Well Known Member
Instead of working on the project in the garage (like I should be), I've diverted some time recently to improving my airport info and sectional chart web site. I'd appreciate some feedback if anybody finds any issues with it, especially Mac users since I don't have access to Safari.

I added a bunch of features, TAFs, more airport info, a tabbed window interface, an autocomplete box for searching, etc. I have a "beta" web site up right now until I'm comfortable replacing the old site:


THIS IS TOO COOL. I use runway finder all the time, and these new
improvements are wonderful.

I especially like how multiple airports can be opened simultaneously. The METAR history is also useful.

Thank you!
Hi Dave,
I fly out of KLOT in Romeoville Illinois. The airport actually has a 02/20 runway now that does not show on the sat. view. I suspect this is the google earth data base so it won't show until they update their data base. Otherwise... very very nice.
N694BP reserved
Hi Dave,

Davepar said:
Instead of working on the project in the garage (like I should be), I've diverted some time recently to improving my airport info and sectional chart web site. I'd appreciate some feedback if anybody finds any issues with it, especially Mac users since I don't have access to Safari.
Very cool, indeed. The map doesn't show up in Mozilla/Linux, though. The non-beta version works fine.

Dave your site is a great tool for flight planning and your latest modifications are really great.

- Matt
The airport actually has a 02/20 runway now that does not show on the sat. view. I suspect this is the google earth data base so it won't show until they update their data base.
Yup, the satellite images are from Google Maps. Some images are fairly recent, but some are years old. The image over my house shows a tree I cut down 3 years ago. Even their map isn't showing the new runway. I also noticed that "Romeoville" isn't available in the autocomplete, because the city is "Chicago/Romeoville". I'll fix that.

The map doesn't show up in Mozilla/Linux, though.
Thanks for the report. The beta RunwayFinder is based on Google Maps version 2 API, which is still under development. I'm pretty sure Mozilla/Linus is supposed to work, though. I'll double check.
borislav said:
Very cool, indeed. The map doesn't show up in Mozilla/Linux, though. The non-beta version works fine.
Mozilla running on XP works fine. Is the Linux version different?
Hi Dave,

I can't get your program to work on a Mac running OS 10.4.6 using Safari 2.0.3.

The main web page comes up with the main frame blank, and when you search for an airfield it loads another blank page with "osh" back in the search window.

For whatever it's worth, my Mac and Safari run your original site as well as Google Maps and satellite photos extemely well.

Keep up the good work,

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For those on Macs, the beta version doesn't work in OmniWeb either (which uses the same Web Kit as Safari). But it works OK in Camino.
Thanks for the Mac reports. I was afraid of that. I develop using Firefox and had to make some tweaks to get Internet Explorer working. Guess I'll have to find a Mac to do some debugging.

BTW, I noticed this morning while I was checking the weather before flying that the METAR at KBFI wasn't getting updated. Turns out there was a small timezone bug that should now be fixed.
Mac OS X 10.3.9:
Firefox works fine, no problems noted
Safari 1.3.2: as previously described (no map)
IE 5.2 (if people still use it): shows map outline but no map

Great job, hope you work out some of the compatibility/standardization issues. Thank you.
Gas prices?

Since I only just started flying instead of building, I never knew about RunwayFinder. I love it, though! Excellent work.

Now, if you could only get the AirNav or 100LL.com folks to let you use their fuel price data! Or start your own...
I see a large number of errors if I pass the beta runway finder URL to a web site validator, such as the W3C Validator or w3schools.com validator. This may explain why it doesn't play well with some browsers.
Good idea. I should have run it through the validator a while ago. I fixed all the errors that I could. The few that are left are forced by the way Google Maps does their API.

I changed one thing that might help the issues with Safari. If a Mac user can try it again and let me know if it's any better, I'd appreciate it. I'll keep trying to get Safari working.

IE 5.2 (if people still use it): shows map outline but no map
Nothing I can do there. Google Maps doesn't support anything less than version 6 on IE. I tried IE7 and that seems to work.

Now, if you could only get the AirNav or 100LL.com folks to let you use their fuel price data! Or start your own...
I'd like to add fuel price info, but it's a bit of a chicken and egg thing. The prices won't be accurate unless they're updated often. They won't be updated often until lots of people start using the site. I'll hopefully be flying later this year, so I'm definitely interested in this feature as well. :)

Thanks for all of the feedback. Sorry the site is a bit slow today. My web host seems to be bogged down a bit.

Still no map in Safari

Davepar said:
I changed one thing that might help the issues with Safari. If a Mac user can try it again and let me know if it's any better, I'd appreciate it. I'll keep trying to get Safari working.
I emptied all Safari's caches, restarted it, and tried Runway Finder beta again. Still no map in Safari, nor in the beta version of OnmiWeb (which apparently has a newer version of Apple's Web Kit than Safari does). :(
With some help from another Safari user, I think I fixed the issue. Let me know if it works for you now. If I'm really lucky, maybe Mozilla/Linux will work as well.
Davepar said:
With some help from another Safari user, I think I fixed the issue. Let me know if it works for you now.
The beta Runway Finder seems to work correctly now, with Safari Version 2.0.3 (417.9.3), on OS X 10.4.6.

Thanks for taking the time to sort this out.
Davepar said:
With some help from another Safari user, I think I fixed the issue. Let me know if it works for you now. If I'm really lucky, maybe Mozilla/Linux will work as well.
Yes! I'm the one who's lucky :)

Best wishes,